Pot metal HURST shift levers???


Princess Valiant

A.K.A. Rainy Day Auto
FABO Gold Member
Dec 14, 2011
Reaction score
I recently had a problem with a bolt on type HURST shifter that I think is an original 64/5 type.

The reverse lever on the shifter mech. was slightly bent out so I took an adjustable wrench and attempted to bend slightly back into the correct position, but instead the whole tab busted off. It broke off easy which makes me think this isn't good steel.

The part exposed from the break looks porous and not nice.

Is this weldable?? is the broken part available as a single part or is the entire mech. now junk??? why did it break so easy....that's not good

what is a good repair idea, because I need this for my valiant that I am currently assembling :(




Does a magnet stick to it? If so more than likely it's cast iron
Contact Hurst, I believe they have what you need. I have a shifter mechanism that is good for parts.

Hurst is tight with their parts. You can send it to them for a rebuild but they don't sell parts. At least a few years ago when my buddy was working on his shifter he was bitching about that. May not be true today.
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They are not cast, but they are hardened. I have one that has been welded. If you search eBay you might find a new reverse lever, or a set of levers. I think all Mopar reverse levers are the same.
Looks like it failed at the bend. I'd guess it cracked on the initial bend. In your picture of the broken end, (unless this is an optical conclusion by me) I see dark area and a much smaller lighter area. It was probably just hanging on by that lighter area when it came off. I'm sure it's heat-treated steel though. There's possibility of de-carb that might make that area more brittle but unlikely.
Hurst Shifter Rebuild, Replacement and Service Parts
IIRC, that lever hangs down and might be susceptible to impact or maybe even high centering which maybe how it was bent to begin with. If so that's probably where the beginning of the crack started. Hardened steel means brittle.
Hurst is tight with their parts. You can send it to them for a rebuild but they don't sell parts. At least a few years ago when my buddy was working on his shifter he was bitching about that. May not be true today.

Brewers sells the parts as does Hurst themselves......
Not only have I never seen one of those bent, but I have never seen one break, either.
It'll weld just fine.
Take it out of the mechanism and grind about 1/8 taper to the ends of both sides of both pieces.
Wire wheel the two pieces clean at least a half inch back from the weld area and fill that groove between the two pieces with a good hot weld that burns in to both and grind it down like it was.
Easy Peasey. (A mig would be simplest if you have one)

I also see where it was already cracked pretty bad before it broke off like others said.
I agree with trail beast. Those are surface hardened to minimize wear in the hole for the shift rod (and internally in the shifter as well) but unless you get it red hot, it shouldn't matter in the area where you're welding it. Might keep a wet rag on the ear so you don't over heat it.

I remember trying to drill one, one time. Pretty hopeless.

And the surface hardness makes them susceptible to fracture. Fatigue (repeated bending) is not their strong point.