Pray for my Grandpa



Too many projects
Jul 17, 2007
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Vancouver Island, Canada
Hello all, if you get a chance could you send a prayer or best wishes / good luck to my Grandpa? He is 84 and going in for open heart surgery tomorrow. He is a very strong man for his age, really healthy, in great shape, stays active, and I am not feeling nervous about the surgery, but it is an 8 hour procedure, and I do have a natural feeling of worry. I went to see him last night at his house to wish him luck, and it is a weird feeling to know that that might have been the last time I'll see him. Thank you.

Mike, heres hoping that the surgery goes the best it can and that your Grandpa makes a speedy recovery! He, yourself, and the rest of the family will be in my thoughts and prayers!
Is he going to Victoria, Mike?

I've had a couple older friends(75 & 83) from here have that surgery down in Vic, and all went swimmingly. They're a real good bunch down there.

I'm sure that your Gramps will be just fine.
Hope averything turns out fine. Heart Doctors are excellent these days.
Prayer sent.

Dont worry. I know 2 people who have had them this year. One is my father in law (72 years old) and a coworker (62 years old). Both of them are doing fine.

I will be thinking about you.
Thank you everybody for your prayers and best wishes. The surgery is over, but it took longer than expected. The surgeon discovered his chest had sort of caved in and had pushed his heart back a bit, and was crushing it. They found a lot of blood just sitting in his chest around his heart. He is still alive but its going to be really nerve wracking for the next week or more. Again, thank you.
Thoughts are with him Mike, hope all goes well, my Dad had 3 of those so I know all about the nerve wracking feeling.
Glad to see your Grandpa made it through his operation, he obviously is a tough ol' fella for the doctors to even consider that long of operation at 84yrs so I'm sure he'll get through his recovery with flying colors.A friend of my Moms had open heart in his early 80s and he did well, recovery just took a little more time but he got back to his old self. Again best wishes to him for a speedy and full recovery, I'm sure visits from his grandson will do him well:cheers:take care Mike.
Hay Mike!! My prayers are being sent out for a full recovery [-o<and I think he would like to be out of that hospital :clock: He sounds like a great man.
I have seen them at that age come back even stronger and full of life.
So you better get ready for a grandpa ready to keep you busy bud.:-D
Again I pray for your grandpa and you be strong for him to bud.[-o<
Your Arkansas friend Mike S.