Professional TIG Welder Question - 2% Thoriated (Red), Rare Earth (Purple), CryoT (Pink)



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Oct 8, 2013
Reaction score
West Central Indiana
I am hoping I can get some answers from multiple professional TIG welders. However I fear that this thread could be like opening a can or worse, asking what cam should I use in my engine.

I've used the 2% Thoriated (Red) for years, and yes I know of it's hazards. Several of my friends switched to Rare Earth (Purple) to get away from the radioactive element in the Red.

My main use is welding 4130 tubing and the occasion need for welding all the other materials in the rainbow. However I am not a professional TIG welder that does it everyday.

I have two friends that are both professional chassis builders. One used to use Red and switched to Purple after 40 years because he worries about his health now.

The other guy uses Red, has tried Purple, and dislikes it. He's totally Red without question now. I take the proper precautions when grinding the electrodes and I am not fearful

of it harming me should I continue using the Red. All I want are great quality welds, with a great look.

Then I now see several companies are now selling cryogenic treated Red that they call Pink. I personally have parts cryogenic treated regularly, so I understand the concept of

doing it and why. However does it really help stabilize the arc? I haven't had any issues using the Red for decades.

After spending more hours than I care to say and now having a headache from all the articles I've read. I am reaching out to hear what others have to share on the subject.

Used 2% thoriated tungsten for many decades doing high pressure pipe open roots and a good amount doing copper nickel pipe on ships
I actually was unaware of the health hazards of using that tungsten. Of course we never used respirators.
So I guess I will add this to the list of chemicals, asbestos, fly ash, welding fumes, grinding particles among a few ive been exposed to for the last 50 plus years and wont wonder why so many of my co workers are dead of cancers and lung related issues
Good thread to remind folks to wear PPE and dont take your safety for granted !