Project Scamp getting final paint



Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2009
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Sorry no pictures but I will have some soon.
Doing final paint in the next couple of days.
Have the engine bay-doors-hood-fenders-trunk deck etc painted
Masking off and cleaning body tonight (Wednesday) spraying
base coat Thursday night then clear Friday morning
First time painting an entire car nervous about the clear on
quarter panels (runs) but nothing tried nothing gained
You're braver than me. I always think about how much it will cost me to have someone else fix the things I screw up, and it keeps me from attempting a lot of things...

Good luck!
Wish me luck I will be laying down base coat in about
an hour then clear in the morning on Friday
Hope to have pictures up on the result this weekend
Nervous and excided
It's high noon Friday base coat on looking good SO FAR
Paint area cleaned and covered.Clear going on
WILL IT RUN?????????
I'll find out in about an hour or so
Clear is DONE no drips-runs-errors-very little dust
I will be able to sleep tonight never did this on this
scale before I'm amazed