Prostate Remedies: Are They Real or a Scam?

Very subjective problem most of us older guys will have to deal with...and every case is unique.
Work with professionals, do your research and get at least one second opinion.
Good luck to all!
I don't have issues with the waking up to pee or low flow or any of that.... Yet.

But at 44, busting a nut doesn't go very far and there's not much to bust. I have no idea what's up with that.
I recently attended the funeral of a friend of over 50 years who (over the years) became a natural medicine freak. He refused to go to real doctors and take real medicine. He got colon cancer and refused chemo. He tried all of his natural mumbo jumbo and eventually died. I'm sorry, but you can't cure cancer with coffee enemas, becoming a vegetarian, receiving injections of mistletoe juice and going to a clinic in Texas where they re-aligned the magnetic forces in his body. I REALIZE that there are some reasonable natural remedies for minor things, but with something as important as your prostate health (or cancer), go to a real doctor and do what he says!
I've been diagnosed with an enlarged prostate too. My PSA numbers have been all over the place, for years, but always trending up. I had a prostate biopsy done in 2011 and there was no cancer. Fast forward to June 2022, and another prostate biopsy was performed with no cancer. I have decided that I'm not going to worry about my prostate anymore.
That depends on how old you are? Prostate Cancer is a silent killer. Have to be proactive with your health cause you only get to go around once in this world
Here is what you want to avoid…

I waited til I was 56 to get checked. My wife FORCED me to go. My PSA was 8.4, my Gleason score was 9/10. Started radiation within weeks. Lupron shots too.
Seemed all good til 2020 when they found cancer had spread my to bones. It’s common for prostate cancer to spread to bones and/or lymph nodes. Now I also take Zytega and get monthly Xgeva shots.
So, on top of working 50+ hours a week I have to find time for shots, bloodwork, CT and Bone Scans. I also pay around $800 a month out of pocket with very good health insurance.
Wishing you all the best