protecting your models



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Jan 19, 2007
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I have a ton of models and diecasts from my younger days that I have displayed around my man cave. Problem is, I'm finding that the sun is bleaching some of them out. Especially those in packages yet. Is there anything I can put over the windows or something to keep this from happening? Windows have had curtains on them since I put all this stuff out but it still happened?
Light damages pigments (particularly ultraviolet light). That's why the light levels are so low in museums. You could put anti-UV film on the windows, or install blinds that you keep closed during the hours the sun is shining directly in. But light is light -- if the items are out where you can see them, they will be fading, even if slowly. Museums also rotate their collections -- some stuff is on display while the rest is out of sight and out of the light. If you only displayed half of your objects at one time, that would cut down on fading by 50% overall.