Pull my finger....



Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2005
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Topeka, KS
So who hasn't done the 'pull my finger' trick with a kid or grandkid. A few weeks ago, I told my 5.5 year old granddaughter, Cooper, to pull my finger. After the gas explosion, she thought that was hilarious. So today my daughter called and said, "Thanks a lot." Evidently, my daughter had to take Cooper to a public bathroom, and while in there, Cooper told mom, "pull my finger." Copper thought that was hilarious. My daughter just had to call and say THANKS.
I was dating my current wife for a few months and got caught with gas pains and her son was in the room.I knew of I took a step it would come out so I told her to pull my finger and as she put out her hand out her son yelled Nooooooo!!!!!She pulled it anyways.He fell on the floor and was balled up on his side laughing hysterical. She couldn't belive I did that and I told her she turned it loose.It was a long loud one but like I said I had to think quick!
My ex wife was horrified when I taught that to my daughter. Totally worth it.