Push rods coming loose

Its ok I have one of those also

but I have never had a push rod come loose like this.

i would pull that pushrod and lifter out that fell out and check the lifter face and the tip of the lobe.. see if the lifter face is smooth or rough...
and completely off the scope of this thread...

That's how it's supposed to be done.

Not really there is a procedure that involves finding the top of the lobe for each valve and then adjusting it. It is just soo much easier to do it while the engine is idleing , you get a little oily but it isn't too bad.
I too adjust when running, as long as the idle is low enough, it's all good.

I had a bent/popped rod the first week of getting my car back on the road. I found the end rocker shaft bolt was loose...finger loose...found out it was loose by accident, was scratching my head and leaning over the engine trying see what the issue was, put my hand on the rocker shaft while trying to see down into the lifter and it moved...the engine was off at the time :lol: