questions, and am i wrong?

I say good for you.....getting drunk and doing drugs is just stupid....I never really got in to it.....even now at almost 24 I only have a couple beers every few months and I don't do any drugs..... I have always been more about family and my cars.

also.....alot of the same rules apply rather it be for girls or cars...

never jump into the interior barefoot (could be dirty)

they looks good all dressed up

if her tires are bald it means she has been around the block and back a time or two.

if you want things to work out for the best...take it slow.

if you take her to taco bell and she starts running rich it may be time to find a new one.

if one headlight is "brighter" than the might want to suggest a repair shop.

if she is constantly emptying your wallet you need to tell her its not all about money and to stop being picky.

and remeber.......always......duct tape fix's everything!!!!!


sorry guys....I was bored and thought of all these off the top of my head.....but if you get to thinking about it,there really is alot that applies to both LOL
I'm on the second wifey with the same car:bootysha:The car has been in my care for over 20 years:cheers:


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