random jokes



i dont take any chit
Apr 25, 2009
Reaction score
Watkins Glen New York
what do you call a black man driving a cadillac? black power
what do you call a white man driving a cadillac? White power
what do you call a mexican driving a cadillac? grand theft auto
It's an attempt at humor. Let it go at that.
I'm sure he wasn't trying to be racist, and we're all a little racist at this point in our national history, no matter what our background.
I'm still thinking about the "Gay Flight Attendant" joke. http://www.forabodiesonly.com/mopar/showthread.php?t=107088
Some comedians, like Don Rickles, know how to walk the thin line between humor and being offensive, and even a comic genius like him is not always successful. I was at a club once, and one of these white guys with the hat on backward kept calling a black guy he was with, "My nigga." It was "nigga this" and "nigga that". Finally the black guy turned to him and said, "Please stop saying that word, I'm not comfortable with it."
The gay flight attendant joke was not that funny, the GFA used the word "trayzee-poo" to mean tray, which is too gay for even the gayest gay to say. So I think Slantsix Dan had a point about the joke being offensive. It's good to have a sense of humor, but it has to be a much funnier joke to overcome the characterization, and ideally should ridicule the stereotype rather than the group of people. Not to say jokes should follow rules.
Now I'll go work on my car instead of thinking way too much about this stuff.:dontknow:
I'm sure he wasn't trying to be racist...

I know he wasn't trying to be racist. He's my 15 year old nephew. What I'm saying is, even if it's a weak joke, or a one we all had a blast with like the gay flight attendant, it's satire. It's either funny or it isn't. If it isn't then you don't laugh. There's no hidden meaning, no personal agenda. It's humorous or it's not.

I've got a boat load of jokes like this one. And the funniest ones I have are the ones I see myself in. Stereotyping is just another word for "offend some, don't offend others." Or do you have a hard time with all the stereotyping in Jeff Foxworthy's "You might be a redneck...?" Or how 'bout the stupid blond jokes? Or the jokes about the Catholic church? Or is it just some things are off topic while other things are a free for all?
If a joke isn't funny, but just portrays a group of people as inferior, then I have no use for it. If it's really funny, but somewhat mean-spirited, then I'll probably laugh at it. Especially if it's about Scots or Jews, both of which I am. I tell people that I'm cheap and thrifty. I also believe that we were all created equal, and deserve respect, all joking aside. I'm sure your nephew is a great kid, and can spell, which gets my respect among the young.
I think Slantsix Dan had a point about the joke being offensive. It's good to have a sense of humor, but it has to be a much funnier joke to overcome the characterization, and ideally should ridicule the stereotype rather than the group of people. Not to say jokes should follow rules.
Now I'll go work on my car instead of thinking way too much about this stuff.:dontknow:

Dan bashes people all the time, but hates it when he gets bashed back.
Besides that...the real reason Dan was whining IS because he is a homo, a smarmy one too..

Just stating fact here and if you've ever noticed the rainbow banner under his avatar.....you'd of picked that up already if ya had put 2 & 2 together.

and dude...if you can't laugh at yourself then who can ya laugh at????

anyhow.. now you know, and knowing is half the battle-GiJoe