Random pictures thread

gone from random pic to random car thread ..


YEOUCH!! Whahappened?
Shifter didn't lock in park, dropped into reverse after I got out to make sure I was in the door far enough to close it.. like I've done a 100 times before. Pinned me to my pop machine as I reached back just thinking it was rolling.. surprise!
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Day-um..., hope YOU're okay. That looks nasty, but I guess it could have been worse.
20 days in... I can use my arm again. Still hurts like hell, but usable other than my shoulder doesn't want to cooperate. Thankfully I didn't get my chest pinned or I'd probably be dead. I was able to twist around and give the A pillar a shove with my left arm to extract my right and turn the car off. Home alone ...

Amazing the door glass didn't shatter... but it did bust my 1976 x 7UP machine light cover. Already have that fixed up. Amazing I typed in 7UP in FB Marketplace search that night and for 35 bucks (and my wife taking an 8 hour drive) I had another in my hands that I could cut to fit.
superbirdbentdoor 103.jpg

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Looks like a Spring Time in the Mojave Desert door when the wind is at you back in the parking lot and the wind rips the door handle out of your hand.
Wow that's just painfu! Hard to see on that pristine yellow car.glad your arm is healing.
Hagerty is paying me to fix it. All the parts I need, and then some, and my labour to tear it apart and put it all back together + my paint guys time and materials to fit and paint the door... maybe the entire side of the car for blend and an NOS Plymouth decal if needed (I have on hand). I was the most pissed off about my pop machine.. but this isn't the car I was supposed to be working on this Fall/Winter.
superbirdbentdoor 122.jpg