Random thought thread


Coyote Jack

Member #55, I'm old
FABO Gold Member
May 22, 2004
Reaction score
Baxters Corner N.B. Canad
This is a thread dedicated to those off the wall thoughts we have that are just plain odd. They don't have to make a lot of sense, but when have random thoughts ever made a lot of sense. They can be funny, creative or just about anything. No particular subject is required.

Here is the first one.

If hot air rises, why don't we just hold our farts in to loose weight.

My daughter said there was a shortage of helium in the area for my granddaughters birthday balloons. I said yeah the helium tanks just keep floating away.. :) .You know, how do they keep those 10,000 tanks of helium from floating away ?? ....really big straps ??
I worked at a large glass coating company where we used alot of pneumatic tools .. One day the boss told us in our morning meeting that we needed to get our work done by noon because after lunch there would be no air in the plant .. One of our female employees ask if we needed to go outside . true story
If Chevy's are so great, how come they make so many parts for them?


I got a kick out of ur post . The answer is, anybody can make a chevy run !
cheap easy and fast , thats why their are so many of them .
Who would be irritated the most if I put my 340/727 in my Nova?

The Mopar crowd or the Chevy guys?

Would it be as quick as a 340 Duster?

Why are we what we are, when given the chance we might have been what we wanted to be?
Why do inboard boat engines rotate opposite to the direction of car engines? Wouldn’t it have been less expensive and less work to reverse the pitch of the propeller?

Why don’t we use geared automatic transmissions on boats? Doesn't lower gearing and more torque on a boat make as much sense as on a car to move away from a stop and accelerate better? Why just jam up the RPMs get the boat to accelerate when we all know the power band is the same as a car engine?
Why do inboard boat engines rotate opposite to the direction of car engines? Wouldn’t it have been less expensive and less work to reverse the pitch of the propeller?

Why don’t we use geared automatic transmissions on boats? Doesn't lower gearing and more torque on a boat make as much sense as on a car to move away from a stop and accelerate better? Why just jam up the RPMs get the boat to accelerate when we all know the power band is the same as a car engine?


Huh ?????
You need to dum it down

agreed .
A relative of mine has a key for my Las Vegas condo.
For emergencies.
I am thinking of going there to get away from all the bs.
Said person entered my condo with no permission and relieved me of all my tp. WTF Is this how the wealthy stay that way?
A relative of mine has a key for my Las Vegas condo.
For emergencies.
I am thinking of going there to get away from all the bs.
Said person entered my condo with no permission and relieved me of all my tp. WTF Is this how the wealthy stay that way?

like i mentioned elsewhere, my wife works at a doctors office
the other day, one of the girls up front saw someone come out of the restroom with a roll of toilet paper in her hand
what kind of person would steal from a doctors office and not even try to hide it?
Wife was watching tv the other night, some show called "My Big Fat Beautiful Life" or something like that was on. My thought was , something is wrong here, is the show correct or is the "Nutri-fast" commercial that came on correct?
