rant about the UNION



Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2004
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ok...so i have never been in the union until about a year and a half ago....i pretty much just turned in my card as supplemental car insurance...Not being a union-raised person, i went into the military, served my country, and received my honorable discharge for 6 years of service....
here's my gripe....i never made over 30-35 grand before...last year i made around 60....the work isn't bad, it's a LARGE company, and there are generally no complaints about anything, especially since i don't pay for health insurance either....not even for family....these friggin retards gripe about how the company is screwing us because they had 100 billion profit last year....
WHOOOO CAAARES?????we make good money...i don't see how we are getting screwed.....some of the FORK LIFT DRIVERS make 30-is an hour!!!!!!local going rate is 10 or less.......also, i work in Maintenance, and have a separate contract, but under the same union as production.....and a lot of the maintenance people want under the master, so that we can be added leverage against the company in the event of a strike....WTF is that crap????
talk about people with outdated ideals and methods......

and then, just 2 nights ago.....we are sitting at the break table before the shift started, and our own STEWARD threatened a guy right there in front of everybody.....he asked "bob" out of the blue if he was going to cross the picket line....since we are under a different contract, and we cannot LEGALLY go out with production, "bob" answered that he didn't even know what was going on, so he couldnt make that decision yet.
the steward started yelling at him and said that's ok because he know's where "bob" stands.....then said "cross that picket line and you WILL see what happens....SCAB"
GRRRR...PISSES me off...then he left and came back and told "bob", a US Marines retiree, that he is a coward
who wants to be a part of that??????
our contract specifically says that we will not support or participate in any picket, strike OR demonstration by any group.....
and yet ALL THESE SHEEP are going to walk out that door when production walks out.....

there's so much more....i'm just pissed offf
sorry to have offended any Union people, but this crap is FUUUUUGGGGEEEEDDDD up!!!!!!!
:x :shaking: :x :shaking: :x :shaking: :x
If you're union you have to follow your contract. Those a/holes are looking for leverage. Don't care if they jeopardize your job. If you walk out in sympathy you could be let go for breaking your contract. If its a seperate contract you should have your own shop stewart? Ask him.
i hear what your saying, i recently joined the teamsters union. i hear these guys complain about this and that about the company and how hard this or that is..........after years of having practicly NO benifits, these guys dont know or remember how it is in the real world. i make about 65000.00 now and have full benefits for my family..... they can put me on the street naked and id be grateful (unemployment sucks) thats why these union workers are stereo typed as lasy bastards.........
And you wonder why companies are 'outsourcing' production to China. :roll:
The unions are in bed with the companys anymore Think about it...If the workers are not working the unions are not collecting dues..Do you really belive YOU and your Familys are their main concern? I have been in a couple of unions and they both sold us out (UAW Region 1 and International Assoc of Machinest and Areospace Workers) here in Michigan. some of the B.S. they pulled is nutty for example the UAW took all the workers in our plant (viper body production) and assigned us to a local that was over 50 miles away! when there were half a dozen other locals with in 5 miles and guess where all elections were held? :scratch: The shop (union) stewards were all golf buddies with management (read *** kissers) and always just blew smoke up your butt whenever there was a grivence to be addressed and never corrected the issue properly. In my own personal experince the term UNION is another term for Legalized Crime against YOU. I left that scene (unions) a few years ago and even my family has noticed a big change in me as I am happier not as quick to be on the defence and all in all a nicer person to be around. :thumleft: I would rather beg for spare change on the corner than return to that kind of abuse again. Now anyone who advocates for the unions have every right to do so and I hope they dont experince the crap I did for 20 years. But if you can sit there and eat what they are feeding you and say thank you...you deserve the ulcers you develop. Solidarity my ***. People are just to afraid to lose their jobs anymore than to stand up for whats right. its more like orginized slavery in the union. sorry but I have been very passonate about this for a long time and still get riled up when I hear about it. :shaking: They will always take advantage of the workforce as long as the workforce allows them to. Dont let them pit you against each other as you will for sure lose what little you may have now. Good Luck!! :salut: Thanks for letting me vent (I gonna have a beer and settle down) :drunken:
How much longer can these corporations keep out sourcing to off shore???

Without middle class jobs...no middle class...no middle class...you've got a Banana Republic.

10* of the population in North America controls all the wealth!!!!

Makes you wanna take that minimum wage job and go buy a $45,000 car that has never seen any North American soil until it was finally shipped from who knows where, doesn't it ????

Ahhh... I can go back to sleep now
I was my local President for 2 years. I was always fighting with the union rep over how to handle things. He always wanted to do things to stir crap up when all that was needed was, honest talk and seeing both sides of any story. Oh yeah the union rep stirs **** up and leaves. Leaving us in the ****. As for the steward that yellled at an employee I tell him to shove it! If your contract specifies that you cannot stop. you have to follow it.

Also, I played golf with the managers too. I am no kiss ***! It made for better relationships when dealing with problems. Butt, I did deal with problems, I went to those same managers with issues and golf had no part of it.
Glad I'm not doing that now. King **** on turd mountain!

Unions are so far away from their roots now. Jobs, bennies, retirement. I dont want my dues going to fight gay rights and the such.
I can see how most of us getting nickled and dimed through
our union opps. I myself am an operating engineer going on
18 years, worked in Chicago for 14, Detroit for 2, now I am in
San Diego. I do have to give credit where credit is due, San
Diego companies are so damn cheap they will pay a licensed
engineer 12 bucks an hour where a union guy is doubled that.
It took me 2 years to finally get into my union outfit here.
As for benefits..... my benefits were twice as good 15 years ago
as to compared now. I have to pay for every little thing if it.
goes over specified amount. Why is it going backward?
I still go by the old saying it is not what you know it is
who you know. I saw that big time in the midwest. I know
guys who are chief engineers, and could'nt wipe there ***
with both hands, because their in-laws or relative are a
big time rep, and they get set up with cake buildings.
Life goes on.... By the way I am moving to a house
a block from the ocean& BEACH..

HeLLO, LADIES!!!!!!!! 8)
...And that is what I like about Texas...Right to work state..You have the right to work (and they have the right to fire you).

We have TWO unions were I work. I'm in neither. Absolutely no need for them. Just paying an additional wage for somebody to not help me out. I don't get into trouble, so I don't have a use for them. I just laugh at them, all they do is make power plays and bad mouth the other to jockey for position as the most powerful union at the place.

What pisses me off are the constant safety violations. What people do here (and barely get a warning for) would you get suspended for two weeks (on your first offense) or fired for your second. The unions always stand up and say how management is always "picking on the hourly".
No...they are just trying to keep you from getting people killed.

Here they only breed lazy whiners who don't realize how good they have it. We have gotten a 4% raise PER YEAR for three years!!! and the one year they didn't give us a raise, the company offered to obsorb all premium increases in life, health & dental insurances.
I'm in the UAW, I have no complaints! I do think our parent comany, who is going through negotiations with their local in Va., who just had their master and local contract offer shot down, is going to close our doors in a few years. even though we have a bigger market share then they do. But for our area, we have some of the best paying jobs and can't complain about the benefits.