
Mike, I'm pretty sure your problem this time with your missing motor mounts isn't UPS but the guy that placed the label on your package. UPS will LOSE your package, but they deleivered one with the tracking number you were given to the guy in MD because that's what address it had on it. Someone at the motor mount place gave you the wrong tracking number or something. Get ahold of them and get them to send you another set.
Open Office is a free office suite. I have it after it was recommended by my bro-n-law who has been writing software for a living for over 30 years
Mike, I'm pretty sure your problem this time with your missing motor mounts isn't UPS but the guy that placed the label on your package. UPS will LOSE your package, but they deleivered one with the tracking number you were given to the guy in MD because that's what address it had on it. Someone at the motor mount place gave you the wrong tracking number or something. Get ahold of them and get them to send you another set.

They just called me 5 min ago and said the ups sent it back to them.
My motor mount is on its way next door to my brothers house.
our local news said that the ups trucks was hit by thieves that cut all the catalytic converters off of most every truck here in Jonesboro.
Brother had a U-haul truck deliver a UPS package today8)
Well I told the man on the phone that I was sorry for my rant I gave his co. He understood and said it will be going out tomorrow:cheers:
I jump the gun on this one and and turned in to a monster ,Sorry.8)
Drivers side motor mount for Victoria $19.08 counting shipping.


check this out. This is wy I did not get my part to my house.
This is the same scrap yard that I found my 440 and 360 at!!!
I sure know how turn a mole hill into mountain. sorry:-D
I don't like it when things take longer to ship, at least now you know is getting there.
I don't like it when things take longer to ship, at least now you know is getting there.

Yep I feel allot better now,:-D
And had a good day with my friend's on our
Thursday out shootng pool and having a couple cold ones and pizza.
My wife said get out of the house and I reminded here it was thursday:cheers:

Glad everything is good here 8)