Reaction score?

Look at the lower right corner of the BOX that people post in. There is a yellow, blue, green and red icon. You won't see them in your own posts but they are there in everyone else's posts.
The purpose of them is to let the ember know that you LIKE, (Yellow thumbs up icon) THANKS ( Blue icon) AGREE (Green check mark) or DISAGREE
(Red X).
The members that have a LOT of "reactions" are often the ones that post a lot of content that the members approve of. The real high reaction scores often come from members that post a lot of pictures and memes.
I don't know if the RED X reactions are counted in the "Reaction Score".
What I've seen here is members are more likely to hit the agree, like and thanks button for posts than Facebook or Twitter. It's like pulling teeth to get any type of reaction there. I'm not shy to hit the buttons here especially when it's a thread I've started. I do appreciate anybody taking the time to reply to me when I need help. I find the amount of knowledge people here have and willingness to help as one of the best car places on the 'net..