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FABO Administrator
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Apr 24, 2005
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Chicago, Illinois
We had a murder in our town a few days ago. Actually, it was a double murder, mother and unborn child.

Police are looking for Eric Gilford (photo Below) for killing his 5 month pregnant wife (also in photo).

This hits close to home for me as this happened about 5 blocks from my home.

Gilford's car, a 2008 Dodge Charger, was found abandoned in Fargo, North Dakota. There is speculation that he may have fled to Canada, but really this guy could be anywhere.

Please pass the word everywhere you can. Please link to this post on all websites / Forums you know of. Ask people to be on the lookout for this guy.

Police are asking anyone with information on the case to call them at 630-834-7447


Chicago Tribune said:
Authorities today issued an arrest warrant for Eric A. Gilford, the 31-year-old U.S. Navy sailor authorities call "the sole person of interest" in the stabbing death of his pregnant wife, Kristine Gilford, on Wednesday in Villa Park.

Meanwhile two Villa Park investigators remained in the Fargo, N.D., area continuing the search for Gilford, whose car was found there Thursday.

"We're looking into whether he has any contacts in that state," Villa Park Police Detective Dan McCann said today. "We're assuming he knows somebody there or he's trying to get to Canada."

Authorities have alerted the U.S. Border Patrol, McCann said.

The warrant charges Gilford with first-degree murder of his wife and intentional homicide of an unborn child, according to police.

Local investigators went to Fargo Thursday after authorities there found a black, 2008 Dodge Charger traced to Eric Gilford abandoned in the parking lot of an architectural firm. Authorities describe Gilford as 6-feet-4, 210 pounds with brown hair and brown eyes.

The stabbing occurred about 2:20 p.m. Wednesday in the Villa Park apartment Kristine Gilford, 35, and her 3-year-old daughter had been sharing with Kristine Gilford's boyfriend for about three weeks. The daughter was in the apartment at the time of the attack and now is with family, authorities said.

Kristine Gilford and her husband had been married since February, police said, and were living in Downers Grove until she moved to the Villa Park apartment on the 300 block of North Ardmore Ave. Police said Eric Gilford has no previous criminal history.

Authorities are asking anyone with information on the case to call police at 630-834-7447.
You have my attention Joey! I will keep an eye out here around my area, folks seem to think they can hide in the sticks, But if he heads this way he can easily be noticed
Thank you for the heads up, I will spread the word.

Like Snake said , what a world
there is nothing that makes me madder than a man harming a woman.... A pregnant woman on top of that. I hope they hang that pos.
there is nothing that makes me madder than a man harming a woman.... A pregnant woman on top of that. I hope they hang that pos.

Thats a big 10-4 dude. If you hit or hurt a woman, you are no man to me. Worthless as a matter of fact. I don't even wanna think of the kid inside her. Now I'm just angry. Wait till he gets to prison where he will become the woman.