Rebirth of Dustbull-with 408ci, efi, t56, dana 60

You can just remove and plug the hole of that reverse lock out mang.

I know i could, but i love having it and not worrying about slipping it into R instead of 5th (iv done it in my truck a couple times, obviously that trans is a LOT sloppier). I have it hooked up to the brake switch.
Not a lot to show, but stuff is quickly getting knocked off the list...The plan was to get the original wiring connected, then work on the fuel system, finally work on the MSII's wiring.
Ive got most of the original wiring back in its place, just need to put in and connect the steering column. Now, im starting to route the hard fuel lines, but theres not much to show there yet either (more planning and trial and error than work got done).

Heres the MSII wiring i started with my bus bar for +12V sources and fuse from the alternator:

more later as usual, thanks for looking
Hey guys, this was my last full day to work on the demon. I got as much done as i could with the fuel lines, when i reached the crossmember i couldnt fit the hard lines anywhere, so i was forces to start the braided further back than i had planned. Because of this change i ran out of AN fittings with the job mostly done.

The ghosts of projects past and future...the dusters stripped out, almost ready to go to the scrap yard; the kaisers waiting its turn to be built:
Hey guys, ive got a small update: On the last day of welding class, i did some tig welding for the efi intake. Welding ~1/8" sheet metal to such thick aluminum requires a completely different technique than i am used to. This is the prettier of the four corners, but im going to grind the welds down later.


I made a very general piece in solidworks about a year ago, the finished product will look similar, its really pretty standard:

Before i left home last week i drilled the intake for the injector bungs, theyre at 1/2" dia and need to get to > 3/4" still

My dad sent me a couple pics tonight, thought this one was cool, the first time the demons been on all fours
Hey guys, just a small update, I got an email from my dad. Hes working on the doors. Were mixing and matching doors so theres the least amount of rust repair to do. My dad got the rust repair finished and just primed them today. I ordered the rest of the AN fittings needed for the hydroboost and the fuel injection setup. The Flatz sublime green paint also arrived this past week.


Finally, i had some free time, so i redid the emblem idea for the demon, this is the last update on that before its on the car-so what do you guys think???

Its basically the same demon emblem with the mopar blue "m" in the middle. But i added in a set of viper eyes (to hint at the 6spd and eventually the viper brakes). I also cant decide on the more traditional demon horns or the dodge ram horns, what do you guys think? If theres a definitive vote of one over the other, then thats what ill be putting on the car, i really cant decide...Thanks for looking!
I was bored and threw some color at your original designs.

I also modified the ram horns and made them bigger on this one because i thought it made it look better.

Also the mopar M kind of looks like a pig snout. Not sure if that was your intent with the original design but I thought i would point that out.

I love this build I can't wait to see more!
Wow thanks a lot SirDan, that looks awesome! I noticed the pig snout thing, it's unfortunate really.. that's why I off-centers the demon logo to 'center mass' instead of 'true center'. I suppose a solution could be putting the demon logo above/ in between the horns.
Just a small update: More primer and sanding. This is after primer, 150 block sand, and a second coat of primer. My dads halfway done with the 320 grit block sanding, and will hopefully have it sealed and in sublime green within two weeks. I have an exam every week up to finals, so i wont be home until three weeks from now. The plans for that trip are to help mount all the body panels, finish wiring the fuel injection, and continue on the intake.

Thanks for looking

I like how the Hotchkis springs lowered the back end, i just hope with my oil pan i can get the front low enough to match
The car is looking great!! Can't wait to see some color on that thing. It is definitely gonna be a beast when you are done.
...Can't wait to see some color on that thing...
Well, here it is:

My dad painted the trunk lid and body today, he says he's doing the doors and front quarter panels tomorrow morning. I still have a week of finals before i can go home, but im beyond excited to make some of my own progress on it.
Thanks a lot guys!! yea, its flat sublime, heres the other picture i got, you can kind of see the flat finish better from this angle: EDIT: im trying to restrain myself from posting more pics, but i put in a new pic w/ the masking tape removed; next post will be it out in the sun!
Finish looks familiar! I used the Dupli-Color paint shop paints. I put the clear in with the paint to give it more of a eggshell finish. Your build is awesome for sure . I have been enjoying this thread, just not under the circumstances you went through to cause this thread.

OH MAN!! That thing is looking sweet!!! Can't wait until you get home and get it finished up so we can see it all together.
Oh hey, quick question. Are you gonna pull the motor back out and paint the engine compartment green too? If you do I would almost use a gloss clear on that so it would be easy to wipe clean.
Thanks guys! I like the finish on your duster Mr2.4, its just a bit glossier than mine i think; i wouldnt have thought to mix the base and clear together to achieve a matte look...

Oh hey, quick question. Are you gonna pull the motor back out and paint the engine compartment green too? If you do I would almost use a gloss clear on that so it would be easy to wipe clean.

Nope, motors staying in, greys staying too. Its gloss so that it cleans easier, and i figured the grey hides a lot of the grime when its dirty. I saw some track cars, and a fe other builds w/ that color engine compartment/underbody so i went with it (i think i had even talked my dad into doing it on his 63' vette for those reasons): (...i like pictures)

All im doing to the engine is: take the intake off to put my efi intake on when its done, put my advanceless distributor in so i can control the spark advance/retard with the MSII, and add the water pump, accessories.
Well, im home for a week, my friend from tampa came down with his plasma cutter and trailer. First thing we did was remove the inner fender wells and roll cage-the last salvagable pieces on the car. Then it was off to the scrap yard to say one last goodbye...

Sad day when an A-body goes to the new car lot in the sky. But sometimes they are too far gone to be saved. But it will get to live on in your car and others as well.
Yes, a sad day, but its good to get it out of the way and moving on; it was worth the effort to see it to the end.
Today my dad and i got the trunk on, and i roughed in the hood finally- i had to crack it in half in the back and give it more contour left to right..its all in one piece now, ready for some fine tuned body work with a grinder, then bondo and an orbital.


You can see into the engine compartment from the interior through the cowl opening, i think im going to do the ricey, car-showey thing and put two sets of green led's under the hood (by the shock towers, hidden), the wiring's already there from the universal painless setup. More fiberglassing, wiring, and welding tomorrow...
Looking good. When do you think you will have it fired up for the first time? How much is that hood gonna weigh when you get done with it? Looks like you are rounding second with her now. Keep up the great work.