Recently on a flight



Dart Conissuer
Apr 27, 2009
Reaction score
Jacksonville, Florida
Recently while boarding a flight to Vegas, a beautiful redheaded gal walked down the aisle and out of all the seats open she sat in the empty one right next to me. After she sat down and got settled in I asked her if she was travelling for business or pleasure. She said it was business and that she was on the way to be the guest speaker at a convention for nympho-maniacs, my ears perked up. Then she told me that her goal was to clear up mis-conceptions about sex. She went on to explain that most people believe that African-American males are the most well endowed, not true according to her and that it is really the Native Americans that are the most well endowed. It was also pointed out that Italian men are not the best and romantic lovers, Jewish men take first in that category and finally the men with the most stamina are Southern rednecks. Suddenly she realized she had been talking to me for five minutes and had not introduced herself. After apologizing she told me her name was Sharon Peters and asked what my name was, I replied m'am, my name is Tonto Goldstein but my friends call me Bubba. 8)