Recording in Nashville today

And all this time i thought Creed was a stock car drive. Good to have more than one vocation to fall back on. Where do i get one of those CD's Mike? Tell me when they'll be in town and i'll show up.
Small Block
Congrats Mike I know your a very proud dad, thats so cool.
Let us all know when the CD comes out..
Congrats, Mike, and best of luck to them.
I work in Nashville and know how difficult it can be to break into the music business.
Nice to see a group making positive progress.
I am a drummer as well Mike, and you know as well as I do...we are the backbone of the band!
So true :happy10:

Congrats Mike. Cant wait for the new cd. The one I have got has probably spun a million miles.
:happy10: Thank you DD :cheers: I will be getting back to you when there new cd is out brother 8)

CONGRATS TO THE GUYS... Iknow u are one proud dad......
Thank you, and yes :-D Very proud :happy10:

Congrats to all........they rock!!!!!
Thank you Tony :cheers::cheers: You rock bra!! I can't wait to see and listen to there new cd, I have been to there hide out for practice and know the new song are A#1 Can't wait to share it with you :happy10:

Myself being a keyboardist since I was 8 yrs old and never making it any further then a bar band, I realize the frustrations and heartaches of trying to make a go of it as a band. Especially when you consider all the different viewpoints of various band members in any given band at any time. If any of you out here who are musicians, you will know what I mean.
Good luck to the boys and may they find lots of success in the recording world. It is a very hard thing to succeed in the industry and they look like they are a tight group and sound awesome!!
A great right up dustermaniac =P~ So true, It seems like the boy's have a cool head on there shoulders and very committed and has been playing a very very long time in different bands :clock: and know have a great bond with each other 8) That sure does help don't it :-D Thank you. :happy10:

And all this time i thought Creed was a stock car drive. Good to have more than one vocation to fall back on. Where do i get one of those CD's Mike? Tell me when they'll be in town and i'll show up.
Small Block
I will make sure you get a cd, T shirt for you and the wife and and a copy of the first cd :happy10: I always thought Creed gave you one that day we was up at your place :clock::clock: But we was having a great time at the time :-D

Congrats Mike I know your a very proud dad, thats so cool.
Let us all know when the CD comes out..
I sure will Sharko :cheers:
hank you :happy10:

Congrats, Mike, and best of luck to them.
I work in Nashville and know how difficult it can be to break into the music business.
Nice to see a group making positive progress.
They are moving forward that's for sure, Like a couple folks here said I never got past playing barr's and fairs :happy10: and Creed is with a good bunch of folks and they work hard at being there best around every day of life :happy10:
Congrats to Creed and Memike! :cheers: Did all that voting we did earlier this year help any?

My brother-in-law and his band just returned from a week-long gig at Disney World. They are a Chicago tribute band. His normal gig is as an audio technician for Madison Square Garden Productions.
PLEASE tell me when there new album comes out Mike!!!

I LOVE the album you sent me.....every song on it rocked!!!:cheers:

way to go guys....keep on rockin!