Red Letter T/A Radials



Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2004
Reaction score
Lakeview, OR
Cool, or Stupid?

And before you asked, yes I did this with a red sharpie, and Yes I figured out how to get it off if I don't like it before I started.


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Personally, I like it. A nice subtle compliment to the White paint and Blue stripe. I also agree with sliffner, the sharpie ink will probably fade to Pink. You may want to try Plastidip Red.
Forget it, I already hate

I just did two tires first to get a good look at it. I think it's too dark, doesn't POP like I wanted it too.

Never mind.
I think it would look good blue to match the stripe. You can get paint pens at Walmart that will make it look good.
I'm not a white letter person...I thing the non 'pop' is what I liked. I would put the black walls out. White letters make it look too busy. But lots of people do like em so that's why the sell em.
put a red stripe on that bad boy & then it will match!! Lawrence
I think it would look better if you had some red on your car. I think redlines would look good just not seeing the red lettering.
Looks good to me. They put red stripe tires on some of these. But if you do it for keeps, find a BRIGHT red. The sharpie red ain't showin up well.
I had RWL on my dart but didn't care for it. I like RWL but just didn't do anything for me on the dart.

So went with REDLINES

View attachment image.jpg

I kind of liked the red letters, might try on an old tire, could even be a WW to come up with the right paint/marker to get the color you are after.
I think it would look good blue to match the stripe. You can get paint pens at Walmart that will make it look good.

Ha! I figured you wouldda said to paint um butterscotch. lol
Whats cool about this is you are the first one to do it and it actually looks really good on your car .
I used to paint my BFG's yellow to match the stripes.... It was good for awhile :D


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