Redoing door windlace on 65 4-Door A-body



Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2009
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I've got the new Tan windlace/weatherstripping for my 65 Valiant 4-Door. I'm wanting to sand and paint the door jambs but hopefully without removing the doors. Because I've still not gotten my doors realigned after rebuilding the hinges on my 73 Charger. The only door that has a problem is the driver's door it closes even after you open it without any force. I guess the hinge needs rebuilding. Can you rebuild these hinges without having to do so much realigning, maybe like do it with the hinge still on the car? This is most definitely not going to resemble anything close to a show car. So I'm just touching up the jambs with the closest Tan color I can find that matches the original paint. It's just going to be a winter time car, so I want to get all the seals redone. I know the windshield seal is leaking and these door jamb windlaces are pretty much gone. I wish I had time to do something like a rotiserre restoration but time and funds don't offer that. So I just want to make it comfortable and drive it around.
sounds like the door latch mechanisims on the 65 need some work or replaced,I have parts for that,the charger threw me for a loop me no gotsee part's for that