Removing Go wing



Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2012
Reaction score
Maple Ridge
I need a little advice -- I have a 1971 Swinger with a Go Wing - I would like to remove the wing for a bit and was wondering if there is a plastic plug or something I can use to fill the hole ( thats what she said !) I am going to sand and repaint the wing a little later but have mixed feelings on whether i want it on or not ? Thoughts ....suggestions

One more thing the previous owner put " 340 Magnum " emblem on my hood scoops ? Thoughts and replacment options ? I belive the 340 Magnum emblems were B body but i'm not sure

Thanks Folks

You can use those plastic "christmas trees" found in most newer cars and just put some kind of sealant or o-ring under it to keep the water out. They're paintable too, so they wont be really noticeable when you have the go wing off. I vote for keeping the wing on the car!

I wonder if those scoops (and go wing) were parts from my Dads old 1970 Swinger 340?? He sold it back in 1996 and the last place i can track it being, is in your neck of the woods (Abbotsford 10yrs ago) Do you know the previous owner who worked on your car? How long have you had the car? Is that an original go wing? any signs of hemi orange paint on the hood? Sorry for the questions, haha. It's just odd seeing those emblems on those scoops and my Dads Swinger had them! You can kinda see them in this picture.. it would be sad to hear my Dad's car was parted but it's been over 16yrs since he sold it.
Thanks for the reply - I've had the car for just a year now - I bought it from a guy in Langley that was basically a fix the car and flip it type of dude so you never know - the wing is origanal - the hood and car look to be green before the repaint - your Fathers car looks real cool and makes me re -think removing the wing

all the best

You can use those plastic "christmas trees" found in most newer cars and just put some kind of sealant or o-ring under it to keep the water out. They're paintable too, so they wont be really noticeable when you have the go wing off. I vote for keeping the wing on the car!

I wonder if those scoops (and go wing) were parts from my Dads old 1970 Swinger 340?? He sold it back in 1996 and the last place i can track it being, is in your neck of the woods (Abbotsford 10yrs ago) Do you know the previous owner who worked on your car? How long have you had the car? Is that an original go wing? any signs of hemi orange paint on the hood? Sorry for the questions, haha. It's just odd seeing those emblems on those scoops and my Dads Swinger had them! You can kinda see them in this picture.. it would be sad to hear my Dad's car was parted but it's been over 16yrs since he sold it.
Thanks for the info.. my hunt will continue! Maybe you'll see it out there at a car show in the near future.

As for the emblems on the scoops.. you can still buy the original small 340 emblems and they look the best IMO. It would be really easy to fill the holes that were drilled for the wrong emblems and put the correct ones on.