removing welded and painted bolts



Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2010
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i'm using an old straight axle on a dart project of mine. i'm going to update the breaks and have to take some other parts of it apart. A lot of the bolts have been welded together painted over and all the fun stuff. i'v been reading about the hot/cold method of removing rusted bolts, would this work? i'm not looking to save anything except the axle and the springs. any ideas?
ya man ,what you working on? did you check out the gasser threads yet? good stuff.if you can post exactly what you are doing, there are hundreds of years of experience and knowledgable folks that have answers.
I have been having good results using a tig welder. Get just the bolt hot cool with air and rock it back and forth. Also used to remove broken bolts and rusted studs. Weld a nut on and cool it with air same method. Its been working for me. Mig welds are to brittle so don't try a mig.