Rescue This Dog! (or post a pic of yours!)

Sorry to hear about your made the right decision!
Yeah man, I figured she was starving to start with. :) So Dude, why not keep her? If she's playing catch with you'all, she must dig the attention. Mixes (mutts) usually spend less time at the vet and are smarter than some purebreds, plus she's got a head that would freak out a potential burglar. She looks as though she's got some shep, pitt and maybe lab. Theives don't dig junkyard dogs, they can't place 'em. :)

Have you named her yet? Hemi comes to mind. SixPack maybe? How about Dart!

I have decided to keep her. She is a good dog. So now I do need to name her. I will think about thouse names (I think I like Hemi) But befor I decide. Can every one give me suggestions? Thank you all.
I have decided to keep her. She is a good dog. So now I do need to name her. I will think about thouse names (I think I like Hemi) But befor I decide. Can every one give me suggestions? Thank you all.

How about Sassy...........Or Ralley........Or Dana
I have decided to keep her. She is a good dog. So now I do need to name her. I will think about thouse names (I think I like Hemi) But befor I decide. Can every one give me suggestions? Thank you all.

Good to hear! She's a cool looking dog and will keep the riff-raff away while you work on your stuff with the garage door open. Congratulations, you just got yourself a best friend.

Since it's a girl, you could name her "Holley" :)
Heres my security system/couch potato. Gus is 10 years old and still acts like a puppy.
One after hearing something outside.
One with the neighbor girl, he loves kids.
Our youngest is a 1 1/2 year old Black Lab/Boxer mix. She followed us home on a morning walk last summer. She has a star-shaped white crest on her chest, so my wife wanted to name her "Star", but I thought it somewhat plain. Therefore, I checked on the internet various foreign language words for star. We ended up calling her Astre (pronounced Astra), which is French for star. We even checked the Russian word for star...forget it, sounded like a sneeze!
Heres my security system/couch potato. Gus is 10 years old and still acts like a puppy.
One after hearing something outside.
One with the neighbor girl, he loves kids.

Dang, he's a big boy! Good thing he likes good people. 8)

Our youngest is a 1 1/2 year old Black Lab/Boxer mix. She followed us home on a morning walk last summer. She has a star-shaped white crest on her chest, so my wife wanted to name her "Star", but I thought it somewhat plain. Therefore, I checked on the internet various foreign language words for star. We ended up calling her Astre (pronounced Astra), which is French for star. We even checked the Russian word for star...forget it, sounded like a sneeze!

Cool, another rescue!
I have always wanted a doberman, but the wife thinks they are "vicious". She is a dizzy broad tho. They are great dogs. When I was a kid our neighbors bread them. They were great dogs & always looked killer with matching spike collars!!
I have always wanted a doberman, but the wife thinks they are "vicious". She is a dizzy broad tho. They are great dogs. When I was a kid our neighbors bread them. They were great dogs & always looked killer with matching spike collars!!

I have always heard that they will turn on there master. I'm not saying that it's true but thats what I've always heard.
This is Oscar Meyer The Weiner Dog. We got him from the National Dachshund rescue. He had gone through three owners before we got him. I have a hard time understanding anyone giving this little guy up, he is an absolute blast to have around and had no bad habits to break when we got him.

We also have a terrier mix (sorry no picture here at work) that we adopted from the St. Criox Puppy Resuce. The story that came with him from St Criox was that a litter of pups was found abandoned in a dumpster. Only two were found a live. We have Frasier Crane and his brother Niles lives in the next town over. Frasier is the king of the roost and is my cruising buddy and goes to all the cruise nights with me. I catch crap from the regulars if I don't bring him. He will make the rounds visiting all his friends then stops by the food concession for a couple of dogs.

I have always heard that they will turn on there master. I'm not saying that it's true but thats what I've always heard.

Gee, that's the first I've heard of that.

I've had five Dobies over the years and they were a blast. Great dogs to play with, even when I was just a kid. Granted, all of ours were bitches, so that may have made a difference.