Rescue This Dog! (or post a pic of yours!)

Man! Hershey looks buff! He must work out when your not around.


Yeah he must! He drags me around like nothing. I asked flypiper (dog trainer) for some insight about trying to teach him to not pull while on a leash. But no response. It might be a secret and giving away info like that can put yourself out of business. LOL!

He is a very good dog! He will very seldom bark at all. He only barks when there is a stranger in the yard. The neighbors kids and family go in my yard he won't bark but let someone else come in the yard and he will let go.
He is a great looking dog. I would love to have one, & if I do get one, it will be a lab of some sort or a golden retriever. I think those two are best with kids. Being we have a 2yr. old daughter it will have to be good with kids! But the wife says "we dont need one right now". So its pretty much on hold for a while....

I get the feeling that flypiper just drops in about once a week to chat about dogs. She was the one who made the "Tear Jerker" video about rescued dogs that I posted earlier. I'm betting that she'll be back but you may need to wait another week.

There are some harnesses that work quite well at getting a dog to walk properly, but they did not work on Maxi. I've finally got her to the point where she won't leave the yard even when I'm not watching and walking without pulling but it was hard work.

I'll let the professional respond before I give out any ideas.
He is a great looking dog. I would love to have one, & if I do get one, it will be a lab of some sort or a golden retriever. I think those two are best with kids. Being we have a 2yr. old daughter it will have to be good with kids! But the wife says "we dont need one right now". So its pretty much on hold for a while....

I hear ya!

I would wait until your daughter gets a little bit bigger to be on the safe side.

I get the feeling that flypiper just drops in about once a week to chat about dogs. She was the one who made the "Tear Jerker" video about rescued dogs that I posted earlier. I'm betting that she'll be back but you may need to wait another week.

There are some harnesses that work quite well at getting a dog to walk properly, but they did not work on Maxi. I've finally got her to the point where she won't leave the yard even when I'm not watching and walking without pulling but it was hard work.

I'll let the professional respond before I give out any ideas.

Oh ok ... I'll wait.

Yeah I bet it was a lot of work. If I could just let him go to get over the first energy burst and calm down I might could do something with him. But right now I have to stay with him and when the energy burst is over I'm ready to call EMS!
Oh ok ... I'll wait.

Yeah I bet it was a lot of work. If I could just let him go to get over the first energy burst and calm down I might could do something with him. But right now I have to stay with him and when the energy burst is over I'm ready to call EMS!

When I first get home, she gets 100% of my attention for a couple minutes then I let her run crazy 8's and do her dog thing in the back yard for 5 minutes while I have a smoke. We come back in, I change clothes and we do the frisbee/tennis ball thing to bleed off some more energy. I give her 30 minutes to calm down while I pay some bills, unload the dishwasher, or whatever else needs to be done.

This helps a lot but isn't even close to the whole story. It's freaking amazing how strong these dogs are and I understand your frustration. One day I actually had burns around my hand, it was incredible. You can't let yourself get mad though.... It's just behavior, it's not personal. Hershey is not trying to kill you even though it may feel like it at the moment, lol!

Stunning dog BTW :) I think he needs to pull a sled, lol! I'll bet he could hunt all day and not even be tired. He's a working dog and that's what he was bred for.
that choc. shep is an awsome looking dog, i bet wil lmake a wonderful pet. i have had dogs almost my entire life, as a teen we adopted a pure bread german shep, with all sorts fo paper work and certificates, that dog wa smy best friend. here are our current boys, max, the one with more spots and a half black face was on his way to shelter, we believe he is black lab and dalmation, sam was on death row at a real lousy town shelter, we were told he is a pure bread by the shelter which got hi mas a stray and our vet, but i really think he is a dal/pit bull mix. my wife found him on PETFINDER . we never thougth they would get along after bringing him home. sam was ok but max was really jealous, wife didnt want sam, he wasnt the most friendly dog to people other than me for the first 3 months. i agreed to not keep him but i refused to send such a loving dog back to that place, we tried and tried to find him a good home, some people put the fear fo death in me about giving away a free dog, by about the 8th week we gave up (she gave up) and we decided to keep him. my wife tells me all the time she wouldnt have it any other way. we each have our own dog, i have been buddy buddy with sam from the first time isaw him i nthe pound, he wanst even my idea but i went to check him out after work. max is an awsome dog too, he is a peopel dog, very social, very well behaved, very loyal like loves to play watch dog though and is really good ad it, always guarding our home. sam thinks he is a lap dog and wants to be treated like a baby. people that were afraid of him are always commenting how they can not believe he is the same dog. my father wouldnt come in the yard the first time he saw him. father in law was afraid of him for over a year, sam let him know he didnt like him every time he came over. my brother took a few months for sam to accept and my uncle too. he had a major problem with other men. he liked my dad by the 3rd visit, my mom, mother inlaw, and siter in law was like love at first site. he is a pretty good judge of character. lol. oh yeah, ther eis no feeling like saving a dog, giving them a new lease on life.
Sorry--rescue work takes a lot of time from me....usually only have time to go on this site (you are right!) about once a week!

Several tips:
1. Move the collar up toward the ears....use nylon not chain collars.
2. use the word 'heel' or 'by me' with their name so they know you are expecting certain behaviors....always say this....Name-heel!
3. once the collar has tightened, it is no longer effective....most dogs tighten their neck muscles at the same time...a correction is a firm (not huge all out) tug and release...even if you have to step toward them to loosen the collar! The release is important!!
4. Praise when the lead/collar is loose and the dog is not pulling
5. I use treats--I show them to the dog, and the dog who is food motivated will stay focussed on the treats rather than the billion distractions out there on the road.
6. Try to teach the heel/by me in a quiet place with fewer distractions...walk slow!!

If all else fails, use the halti or head collars.....I have a friend who has a huge rottie (I think I am the only one who can control him) and she uses the head collar to walk him. Otherwise, he drags her down the road on her butt.

Problem is that these guys need more walks and exercise, but it hurts us too much, and we tend to give them less and less....can you get a 50 ft tie-out and throw a ball/frisby first?

You can reach me at flypiper at juno .com
I am sorry it took so long!!!

Thanks! I have not been spending time with Hershey as I should. I have been working on my car but have recently started to spend some time with him. It has been very humid and hot here in the south and it does not take much and you are ready to get in front of a fan or back in the AC.

I walked Hershey last night and walked real slow with a different attitude about the walking deal. He kept looking at me like "why aren't we running across the yard wide open like we always do?" I would kneel down and say "come here" and he would up to me and I would praise him. I know this probably all wrong but he did better it seems about not pulling as hard.

The treats are going to help big time but haven't picked some up yet. The collar closer around the ears makes since.

Thanks for the info. I am going to start getting serious about training Hershey.
You might try enrolling in a basic obedience class--most of those are held inside (in NJ, anyway) !!

That would be the best thing!!
LOL! A mutt! I love mutts! You might think it's a dumbass now, but wait until he/shes gone. You will be bummed.
true, the dumbass did run off a few times allready lol. but he's learnin. we clip his cable to a 2x4 with some big holes drilled in it so he still has some freedom in the yard, but if he does try runnin off again, he'll get tangled up real quick. now he dont even try runnin off
Right on and understood. My dipshit will mosey on off if I'm not right on her, but for the most part, she will stick around and only goes about a house away. My new place in the barrio will be 100% fenced so I won't have to worry so much.

I thought about you when I was hitting the parts store today. there's a lowrider club not far at all from me. Mostly suede low riding oldies. Very cool.
Right on and understood. My dipshit will mosey on off if I'm not right on her, but for the most part, she will stick around and only goes about a house away. My new place in the barrio will be 100% fenced so I won't have to worry so much.

I thought about you when I was hitting the parts store today. there's a lowrider club not far at all from me. Mostly suede low riding oldies. Very cool.

ya once our dog is outta sight, he ignores you, you can call him all he want and he wont come or even make any noise. one day i was workin in the garage and i got up and didnt see him anywhere, went lookin for him, as soon as my dad gets home (hear his car) he walks out from behind the shed:angry7:

if you ever have your camera with you, you should snap some pics of there rides for me, i like the oldies8)
Beautiful mixed German Shepperd. I'm sure it will find a great Mopar home . Here's a few pictures of My daughter Christina and our 2 dogs. Smaller one is a female Italian Pointer, aka Bracco Italiano (rare breed) and the bigger one is also a female ,she's an Alaskan Malemute mixed with a Collie (125 lbs) . Hope you like my "gang"

Chris & KATIE.jpg



chris & the dogs 006.jpg
My wife yes, my Mopar maybe, my dog ..... NEVER !

What a great pic!

ya once our dog is outta sight, he ignores you, you can call him all he want and he wont come or even make any noise. one day i was workin in the garage and i got up and didnt see him anywhere, went lookin for him, as soon as my dad gets home (hear his car) he walks out from behind the shed:angry7:

if you ever have your camera with you, you should snap some pics of there rides for me, i like the oldies8)

I'll see what I can do. I usually see them out in front of the club garage on Sat. afternoons.

Damn!! How's their disposition? Good with people? Are they easy to train or are they "bullheaded" like my Rott mix? I'll bet your dog food bill is astronomical!

Beautiful mixed German Shepperd. I'm sure it will find a great Mopar home . Here's a few pictures of My daughter Christina and our 2 dogs. Smaller one is a female Italian Pointer, aka Bracco Italiano (rare breed) and the bigger one is also a female ,she's an Alaskan Malemute mixed with a Collie (125 lbs) . Hope you like my "gang"

Great looking pack you have there! That pointer's really cool looking, never seen anything like it. :read2:
Damn!! How's their disposition? Good with people? Are they easy to train or are they "bullheaded" like my Rott mix? I'll bet your dog food bill is astronomical!

There disposition is great. The best dogs i owned. Good w/ people (if your not a dirt bag) Some how they know the good from the bad.Easy to train could be a little stubborn, can't give them an inch. Brut is 135# & Fiona is 110#. Food and vet bills can get pretty high. I have some video but can't figure out how to post.