Resetting an odometer to zero miles



Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2007
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Hi everyone. This is a great site. I'm a long time reader, but first time poster....

Is it taboo to talk about odometer resetting? I can't find any existing threads on the topic. I would like to reset my odometer to 00000 in the course of my full restoration project.

I have the 150 mph speedo removed from the rally cluster on my 1970 340 Dart. I've removed the shaft with the number wheels attached. It's the next part I am unsure about. I can roll each of the wheels to "0", but there is also a thin washer with tabs located in between each number wheel. These washers do not rotate independant of the number wheels, and the tabs need to be in a particular location for reassembly.

Do I have to take off another snap ring and take all the parts off the shaft; I don't want to do this if I don't have to.

Can anyone enlighten me in this area. Also, during reassembly, where is the proper location of these tabs, as I'm not sure mine hadn't been messed with before I got to it; the numbers never seemed to be very centered in the window when viewed from the front. Pictures would be great if you've got 'em. THANKS!
It is legal to do this but there is a sticker that needs to be put on the door jamb that shows the old mileage and new mileage when the speedometer was changed to make it legal. It is no different if you change speedometers at all, either one from a bone yard or new one.

I've done it on a challanger dash but that was only because it became a display peice in my bedroom.... other than that i'm takesing all I know to my grave, too many croocked people in the world to talk about that subject.
Not too hard to reset one - just dis-assemble the odometer portion and play with the numbers until you figure out how it works. Once reset, install it and check it to make sure it works by spinning the input of the speedo.