Return of AMC



Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2007
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I just read an article about the possible return of AMC. That's the first I heard of it. Any body else know anything about it?
Did you happen to notice that it was the APRIL issue of Hot Rod that the story was in?

Me thinks our collective chain is being yanked ever so gently...... 8)
I haven't heard of that. Man, starting an automaker now with the problems that the existing ones are having seems as bad as a business decision as starting an ice supply business in Antartica.

I just can't decide if they are being serious or not. If they are then they sure are spouting the right things. Maybe I just want it to happen because i use to have a 67 Rambler Rebel SST. That car had a 343 Typhoon and a 4speed and was an absolute blast to drive!
I was extremely happy to see that article. Until I saw the last page. Read the box down at the corner. Kinda makes you think just what a modern AMC would be like. I would definetly be saving my money for one.
Yeah I have that issue of Hot Rod. The concept cars are pretty crazy lookin. Especially that AMX/4. And the idea of putting v12s in them? Nasty. I have to say that I am extremely excited about the idea of AMC coming back, because I am a HUGE American Motors fanatic. I have a 1966 Rambler Classic 2 door car that is my dollbaby (but a work in progress).
Well, they sure had me going! I'm not in the market for new cars anyway, but they sure had me wishing I could be. Oh well, back to dreaming about being able to afford a new Challenger8)