Zoe looked like a great friend for you (and Max).

Be strong and keep Max close, he is grieving as well - most dogs and cats do. I have 2 other dogs that were very close to our oldest, and they were out of sorts for about 2 weeks. Lots of walks and play time, took them every where. It was hard watching them look for their friend..

Kalleigh (the oldest) went from normal to heaven in less than 24. Her rapid decline was hard because we didn't get to really think about her passing and say goodbye in our own way. Animals are the toughest to get over as they never talk back, never hate, never conspire, never pass any negativity - just happy, positive love.

This was our oldest, Kalleigh:

I'll be thinking of you and your family during this tough time.
Condolences. I told Lucy. She is very wise and sensitive. It made her sad to hear. She said to remember the good times...


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Sorry for your loss. My 11 year old dog Pepper looks like he could be from the same litter as Zoe. Pepper is starting to have hip problems, and our time together is getting short too. Prayers for you and the family in your time of sorrow.
That is so hard to take. They are such innocent creatures.