Robershaw Thermostats



Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2008
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I am looking for a good reliable stat for my 360. I have heard good things about Robertshaw stats from my AMC friends. Has anyone here ever used them and if so do they make them to fit a 360 and if so where can I get them? Thanks.
I've only heard of Robert Shaw t'stats for home heating and a/c
Robertshaw thermostats have a unique design to supposedly prevent air bubble problems and provide a better flow to the radiator.
Thanks Mr Hemi for the Mr Gasket info. I will check into it.
The inlet hole size on the Robert Shaw thermostat is greatly increased over most other thermostats, providing much improved flow. I would choose the Robert Shaw unit if I had the choice. Not saying the Mr. Gaskey isn't good, just chiming in with what I know!!! Geof
if your talking about the hi flow Mr Gasket they have a hi fail rate, never seen a Robert shaw unit where do you find them?
I had one in my 454SS truck. It could be over 100 in the shade and that thing ran cool as a cumber even when beating the snot out of it. I have not looked into one for the Dodge yet, but I got my last one from Summit.

if your talking about the hi flow Mr Gasket they have a hi fail rate, never seen a Robert shaw unit where do you find them?
The fabled Robertshaw thermostat is nothing more or less than the old (discontinued) Stant balanced-sleeve design. It is different, not better or worse, than the more common reverse-poppet design. The Stant SuperStat is easily the best thermostat available on the market from whatever perspective: reliability, consistency of flow regulation, durability, etc. And you don't have to chase all over hell and half of Georgia to find one. And it's made in America, unlike the Chinese garbage from Mr. Gasket.
I just remove the T -sat in the summer, engine warms up quick and stays around 170 till pushed hard, even then it cools off quickly back to 180 or so,

You can just drill your own little hole on the side of the T-sat, all I do to everyone I put in, no matter the car.
If anybody cares, I bought a Chrysler 180 degree for my 440 a few weeks ago from the dealer. About $12.00.
Why is it dumb if it works?

I got a nice autometer temp gauge, engine warms up to 170 in around 5 to 7 mins max. Never goes over 200 even if i get caught in a 5 min traffic jam. Driving around town in 80 degree weather, its right around 180, do a good wot pass, stop later at the light for a good min, temps 180's and creeping up, usually holds 190 unless slow traffic fails to make it through the first green light (how some folks drive I got no idea).

Sure i could spend $$$ on a alum rad, high flow pump, up graded fans, but WHY, when the dirt cheap way works in cool Michigan's summers.

Yeah I heard the water flows too fast talk before, but my little 340 runs a little cool with NO T-stat...if it works why knock it. Besides how hard it it to remove the Stat and just see how your engine responds--before shedding out $$$. If I lived in Texas it be another story, for cool Michigan summers in even 90 degree heat, the no Stat gets the job done over here:pirat:

even at night in mid 60 degree weather, 170 or higher the temp is--yes come cooler weather it needs a Stat the help keep the heat in. BTW, I run the intake exhaust heat all year round--guess thats another dumb idea but again it works, engine warms up fast and runs great, even mid day driving the car hard--I think the heat in the intake helps to burn this low vapor gas--not sure, just know it works--that is what counts, correct?
Used a Robertshaw in the past, it opened & closed other than that don't know what to say....
If anybody cares, I bought a Chrysler 180 degree for my 440 a few weeks ago from the dealer. About $12.00.

And--what happen? Heck your in 110 heat everyday--correct, why run a 180, just cause it might say 160 doesn't mean the engine stay at 160, not in 110 heat, the motor will run hotter, heck garages used to use 160 stats in the summer before emissions stad came around. Was common to change the stat for the summer--and run 30 weight motor oil, now today that is just too easy I guess.

I did try a 160 but no stat help keep it cooler, I think the increase flow must have did it, all I know is it works and I like driving my car more than if I could drive a newer vette--at least hot rodding around for picking up chicks, well please let me borrow that new vette, lol