Rust around windshield



Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2009
Reaction score
Sacramento, CA
I had a glass company come out and take the windshield out of my 71 Duster yesterday. I've had a leak on the top of the windshield on the drivers side for a few years now and its time to get it fixed. The rust isn't too bad, no holes rusted through or anything. Mainly its rusted in between where the two pieces of sheet metal meet. It's kind of split the metals apart just a little bit.

My question is, it's not a big area, just a few inches. If I cleaned out all the rust and used JB Weld to fill the space between the two pieces of sheet metal, would this be an ok fix? The windshield guy said whoever did it before put silicone in there instead of the correct weather stripping sealer and it trapped moisture in there and rusted it. I'd rather solder them together but the car has been recently painted and I don't want to risk messing the paint up around the windshield. They're hooking me up with a really good deal on this and they are coming back saturday, so I need to get it fixed before next week. Any other ideas or will the JB Weld work?
can you pour some Extend or some other rust converter in the area? that would convert the rust and help prevent it from coming back. mostly need to seal the metal from contact with air and water. Usually anything with phosphoric acid works (I think that is the chemical)
Yeah pull or grind off any loose metal; ospho from the hardware store, spray bottle it in all the way, dry overnight; then good epoxy, like from boating store,3m 4200, or 5200 (that is permanent). Tape it off, won't sand. Or Butyl. Or seam sealer from Napa. Or PL200 from hardware; all of that is on my invisible seams in the '70.