Schumacher /6 to V8 Conversion Kit Group buy!

Got 2 phone calls from Schumacher saying the parts were shipping today. :thumrigh:
yup i got a call from shumacher today as well saying that they were gonna be shipped out today. thanks man for all your work, it is really appretiated, i know that this deal will help me greatly cause i'm on a fairly tight budget for my build. Thanks again awesome job!!
Well the U.P.S. man just deliverd my motor mount kit!
Hey MYASYLUM Thanks for putting together a great deal for us.

I know, I rule! :)

I'm still waiting for mine, but going from Seattle to Wisconsin might take some time. I might as well be in Canada! :)
DusTed is in Wisconsin, too, if his zip is accurate. Start looking for that brown truck. I guess I'm next week .. Verrry south Jersey.
dad just walked in the door and guess what came with him?? a UPS parcel full of motor mounts!!!! Thanks a million myasylum for finding this awesome deal and being willing to help out some guys in need!!! Thanks for getting the order in quick and i have to say the shipping time was awesome, 5 days and i'm in Canada!! Thanks again!!
Last time I looked I was still living in Wisconsin. But this place really is 2 weeks from anywhere.
They must have floated mine down the Mississippi.
Well see... Dusted74 lives on the Mississippi. I live along Lake Michigan, so he's about 200 mi closer to Seattle then me, so that's why he got his first!

The beaver traders must be quicker on the Mississippi. :p
Be patient on shipping. I believe UPS and FedEx use a hub system for moving packages. That is, the package must move to the local depot, then to the nearest hub and then to a distant hub near the recipient and then to the local depot and then onto the local delivery truck. This is also complicated by the fact that some packages will travel by air cargo and some by truck between hubs. Also, some hubs and depots handle much more volume than others.
Got mine! Thanks a million, Myasylum! People like you make this site great!
Now, here's a list of what else I need.... :-D:-D:-D:-D
Received mine yesterday. Thanks MYASYLUM, for the idea and the footwork.
Got my mounts today. myasylum is da man :notworth:

Also picked up a good deal on some barely used Schumacher headers too :supz: