screws, bolts and miscellaneous

yup they work and this is my kind of party.

have you been to R/T specialty dot com.

They have a vast selection of correct fasteners but the site search is hard to navigate. :sleepy3: So its usually easier to just call them and tell them what you want and they will get it together and charge you an outrageous shipping fee on the way out.....but sometimes you do what you have to, to get the job done. :rambo:
yup they work and this is my kind of party.

Have you been to r/t specialty dot com.

They have a vast selection of correct fasteners but the site search is hard to navigate. :sleepy3: So its usually easier to just call them and tell them what you want and they will get it together and charge you an outrageous shipping fee on the way out.....but sometimes you do what you have to, to get the job done. :rambo:
