Seat Belts



gearhead 4 life
Jun 10, 2006
Reaction score
I am wondering what everyone has done for seat belts. I am going to be changing the color of the car and want black interior. The seat belts i have are a faded green. What are my options?

there was a great post earlier about this. Search a bit you'll find it. Something about using a bucket to clean them and a way to dye..
I changed from tan interior to Black and got my seatbelts from JC Whitney. They are a nice chrome buckle with decent quality. I liked them. And they were only about $20/per passenger set. They come with all new mounting hardware as well. They offer many different colors as well so check them out. JC also offers free shipping a few times a month so watch for the ad on the site! Pic attached of the belt. :cheers:

I changed from tan interior to Black and got my seatbelts from JC Whitney. They are a nice chrome buckle with decent quality. I liked them. And they were only about $20/per passenger set. They come with all new mounting hardware as well. They offer many different colors as well so check them out. JC also offers free shipping a few times a month so watch for the ad on the site! Pic attached of the belt. :cheers:

looks great man
does your car have the overhead headliner mounted shoulder belts?

I also found this place
anyone ever used them?
Thanks! and Yes, the car came equipped with the shoulder belts but I did not install them in the car when I put the interior together.
xv motorsports offers a neat set of 3 point belts with retarctors
I bought a set for my duster
You can also get them re-webbed at an upholstery shop if you want to keep the original buckles. It's not that cheap but it maintains the originality if that matters to you.
yeah i want to keep the original look of the bench seats, lap belts, etc. Looks like there are more options available then i first thought there would be. Thanks guys.

and mikey parts i'd love to see a pic or two of those belts in your duster