selling parts



Well-Known Member
May 13, 2010
Reaction score
Grand Tetons
Hi Y'all,

I know theres been threads on this before, but i would like to vent. I had another member here interested in a part i was selling. Even held it for awhile as he didnt have the scratch for it. I contact him recently and he says he wants the part. I package it up, take it to the post office to get a shipping price. Now its been almost a month and nothing. I have sent a few emails. No response. I mean if you dont want something you wanted to buy from another list member, at least tell them, so they can relist the part.

So i now have a boxed up front bumper for a 70 dart or demon with decent chrome for a daily driver, and a small scratch and blemish, that i am now going to relist in parts for sale again after i unpackage it and take pix of it again

I only sell parts to get the $$$ to do my projects, and to put parts in other peoples hands that need them. Just a little courtesy is all i ask .
I list brake and suspension parts here on this board on a fairly regular basis, and pretty much it's been a good experience from the buying members.
But sometimes i too, run against some members that say they gotta have it, can't do without it, i will send the money tomorrow night, and then never follow through.
So i have changed my selling tactics a bit, now a days.
I have been telling people if i don't see payment into my Pay Pal account by a certain time, or day, i will just move on to another inquiry and figure out they weren't a serious buyer for the part, anyway.
Seems to weed out all the shoppers, tire kickers, look-e-loos, for me.
Thats good advice for me for future sales. Problem is its been months and months. The other buyers who were interested are long gone by now. I will have to relist this under a new ad. Although we both dragged *** on this part. On my end it was because of family commitments , which are more important than a bumper.
i ended up with a bunch of parts from a parts car that i was going to just scrap but everybody was like man thats a shame to scrap you should sell the parts. well i will tell you it was painful experience i hope that i don't have to go trough again lol and im glad that pretty much everything is gone.

i have had some great experiences but many want beat you down over and over on the price and then they want shipping included and then after all that they back out on the deal all together
I think that it's part of the new "ME" mentality. If it doesn't benefit them, then they don't care.

Common courtesy and common sense are no longer common today.

I remember when you were taught to treat other people's stuff better than if it were your own. Now they have the "drive it like you stole it" mentality and don't care if they break your stuff - it isn't theirs, they don't care. Kinda selfish, jealous. If they can't have one, they don't care if anybody else does and break it...

I agree, give them a time limit and then move on. If they don't have the courtesy to let you know what's going on, then you need to sell it to someone who is interested in it.
I think that it's part of the new "ME" mentality. If it doesn't benefit them, then they don't care.

Common courtesy and common sense are no longer common today.

I remember when you were taught to treat other people's stuff better than if it were your own. Now they have the "drive it like you stole it" mentality and don't care if they break your stuff - it isn't theirs, they don't care. Kinda selfish, jealous. If they can't have one, they don't care if anybody else does and break it...

I agree, give them a time limit and then move on. If they don't have the courtesy to let you know what's going on, then you need to sell it to someone who is interested in it.

I agree with your assessment of most people today and add this.
My dad once told me a man is only as good as his word. Without it he is nothing..
Sadly a persons word is becoming about as worthless as the dollar bill.
I had a member message me about a part I forgot to mark no longer available. My fault. I just forgot. I threw it on the scrap trailer awhile back because I needed the room, we needed the scrap money and no one had even asked about it.

He asked me after I told him I no longer had it if I had anything else. I sent him a list. he said he wanted it all and wanted pictures. I sent them. Week or so went by and I sent another message asking if he still wanted them. he said yes. I had given him a price in the previous message.

That's been well over a month ago and I've heard nothing. Flippin picture collector. He's probably laughin his *** off, but we sure couldda used the money. This is why it's ALL goin on the next scrap run.
People suck, plain and simple.

Use to be you ran across an A hole once in awhile, and now it seems you run across a decent honest person once in awhile.
Deadlines. Use them.

I inquired about a part, said I was interested and trying to arrange local pick up. I was waiting on payment from someone else to pay for the part. Never said. I'll take it. Seller sent me a message and asked if we were still on. I apologized, said I was waiting for some $ owed from someone else and if he had someone else chomping to buy, please don't hold it up for me. When I get the money that is owed, if he still has it, I'll buy it. If not, I had an opportunity and chose to pass. Trying to be courteous, I have no room for any angst.

I hate it when people string me along and try to not do it to others.

There are some that like to lock up parts, string buyers along, all while trying to sell the same part for more money elsewhere.
I am on the other side. I am the one looking for parts. I don't understand either, when I find parts I want, I try to come to an agreement and send the money ASAP so we can all move on. I appreciate you guys rounding up parts.
Hi Y'all,

I know theres been threads on this before, but i would like to vent. I had another member here interested in a part i was selling. Even held it for awhile as he didnt have the scratch for it. I contact him recently and he says he wants the part. I package it up, take it to the post office to get a shipping price. Now its been almost a month and nothing. I have sent a few emails. No response. I mean if you dont want something you wanted to buy from another list member, at least tell them, so they can relist the part.

So i now have a boxed up front bumper for a 70 dart or demon with decent chrome for a daily driver, and a small scratch and blemish, that i am now going to relist in parts for sale again after i unpackage it and take pix of it again

I only sell parts to get the $$$ to do my projects, and to put parts in other peoples hands that need them. Just a little courtesy is all i ask .

Pretty much why I will not sell anything. I have a 68 Valiant sitting outside that is just too far gone to save. Plan is to pull the few parts we want off it and send the remainder to the crusher.
I agree with your assessment of most people today and add this.
My dad once told me a man is only as good as his word. Without it he is nothing..
Sadly a persons word is becoming about as worthless as the dollar bill.

Or a shoe.....just saying....
For me it comes down to that old saying....Money talks and BS walks. If you want the part find the money cause the 1st one that does gets it.
Use to be you ran across an A hole once in awhile, and now it seems you run across a decent honest person once in awhile.

I am going to have to remember that statement.
Seems to be very true.
People suck, plain and simple.

Use to be you ran across an A hole once in awhile, and now it seems you run across a decent honest person once in awhile.
Well said...

Ive deeply contemplated before I got involved in this thread.

So here it is, Im the asshole and I suck. After a month of silence and three pm's I finally decided to fight my smartphone at work on break to send matt an extremely disjointed and spelling/gramar errored pm cause I hadnt had the time to sit down at the computer and do it for a month and I knew it wasnt gonna happen soon. I gave matt a small glimpse of how ***** hit the fan and I no longer have time to spend to scratch my *** much less anything productive and asked him to relist said bumper. Matt I know you said youd hold it, which made my heart drop. Now it appears you've changed your mind and youre going to relist the bumper. I wish you luck and hope you make the sale so you can get your money and somone can get a nice bumper.

Matt I do wholeheartedly apologize. Thanks for still being my friend and listening to my toubles and caring. Ill talk to you more when life stops happening and things slow down.

Same to you Rob, you and Kitty are in my thoughts. Someday ill have time for a phone call. Hang in there.

I posted that thread/rant after sending you a few PMs over the last month, and not hearing anything back. That was all was before you sent me a PM letting me know what happened on your end over the 4 week span.

When you PMed me back after the thread i started weeks later with your situation, I said I would still hold it for you. That offer still stands. I am not upset with you. I am a man of my word. Sometimes bad things happen to good people . I understand that, which is why after your message to me with what all has been going on I said I would still hold the part for you.

Let me know when things calm down and you want the part, it will be standing in the corner of my shop waiting , boxed up with your address on it. All I ask is keep me in the loop. Even if it was just a "hey things are crazy here I will get back to you"
