Sent to me by my daughter :)



Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2009
Reaction score
Nova Scotia
I love it.

She drives a MOPAR herself..we have a neighbor with two..count them..2 Priuses..

They think that twirly lights, priuses and windmills are going to save the world..

Yeah, if you want to drive a Hybrid to save money at the pump or to try to reduce dependency on foreign oil, then you kind of have a case. But if you do it because you think it's better for the environment, you're a f'ing stooge. The plug-ins are a horrible idea, as electrical generation is only around 70% efficient w/ all the transmission and conversion losses. And regardless of how it gets the electrical charge, a battery is TERRIBLE for the environment. Production, recycling, and eventual disposal - filthy, filthy stuff.

But hey, hug a tree and drive a Prius if it helps you sleep at night.
...I am told that you have to replace the batteries every 7 to 10 years..
Yeah, if you want to drive a Hybrid to save money at the pump or to try to reduce dependency on foreign oil, then you kind of have a case. But if you do it because you think it's better for the environment, you're a f'ing stooge. The plug-ins are a horrible idea, as electrical generation is only around 70% efficient w/ all the transmission and conversion losses. And regardless of how it gets the electrical charge, a battery is TERRIBLE for the environment. Production, recycling, and eventual disposal - filthy, filthy stuff.

But hey, hug a tree and drive a Prius if it helps you sleep at night.

X2, If they wanted to do something good for the environment...ride a bicycle!

I was getting out of my duster at the grocery store one day when a prius pulled up in the parking spot next to me... as the folks were getting out I thanked them for saving some gas so that I could burn more. :bootysha: The driver glared at me while the passenger of said prius gave out a good laugh and said "Nice car", the driver then glared at him... :toothy10:
Looks like a lot of dirt coming out of those smokestacks.
the grid can't even handle peoples air they gonna supply power for millions of cars plugged in? our province, our primary source of electricity is COAL..

..there was a i***t on the radio saying that he moved to burning wood for to help global warning..