several 426 Hemi's burried

Well had a meeting with the son who's dad owned the shop. He said his dad sold the bussiness and moved to another area in Spartianburg and opened up another garage. Son says the new owner dug a big hole and pushed everything in it ,shop and all and covered it up. Didnt want to here that there's a biulding in there too. He said the his dad had lots of running motors that he pulled from cars back in the day when these engines were plentiful and cheap, Hemi's ,Big Fords and chevys in there . said lots of big name guys would do bussiness with his dad buying motors to rebuild . Names like ,Cotton Owen's,Bud Moore and others . Im sure there there but how deep could they be . I didnt know there was a building in there too. Not sure what to do now!!
I didnt know there was a building in there too. Not sure what to do now!!
swing by the local building supply shop, pick up a truckload of day laborers and a shovel for each of them and put em to work
So the guy sold engines to big names in racing, but then buried good hemi engines in the ground? I can almost guarantee the hemi part of the story is BS. and there was NEVER A time that hemis were plentiful and cheap. The fact is, they were pretty scarce on the street even back then.
No replicar, His dad sold the bussiness to someone else. Later on the new owner cleared the lot were the garage was that the engines were in ,dug a hole and pushed everything in and covered it.
His dad was friends with Budd Moore and Cotton Owen's and some of the other Nascar guys' Spartanburg SC had a lot of big name racers around that area. Rumors was that Mr France almost put Daytona spedway in Spartanburg.

When they needed a buildable engine sometimes they would go see this guys dad's salvage yard.
Believe it are not . If he said they dug a hole and pushed over the building then there still there. This guy would not tell me some BS. And yes back in the fuel shortage day and the Gas hikes in the seventies gas guzzler motors were not really desirable, nobody wanted them ,Except for guy's like us and racers mostly.
Yea I think the simple fact that the previous owner moved and opened a new shop makes it obvious the story is BS. Who would leave behind good engines, especially hemi's, if they were keeping their business open..
They have those machines that thump the ground and transmit images of whats underneath onto a lap top.
i stick to my original assessment
