Shaved Door Handles



Strike Hard, Strike Deep
Jul 25, 2006
Reaction score
Philadelphia, PA
I'm toying with the Idea of shaving the door and key locks on the 68'. Before I commit to the body work and door mod's I wanted to get some opinions and advice from the experts here....

Has anyone shaved their door handles with remote open/poppers, and so on.


Pat :lurk:
Yup I did it on my Turbo Shadow. It works great but I would sugest to make an emergency way in. My car is a hatchback so I could just crawl in there (Yea I had to do it once when the battery went flat). I don't drive it in the winter so I put a battery tender on it now. I welded plates in behind where the door handle goes so my paint wouldn't crack. Car has been painted now for 2 years and so far so good.


yes i had them on my 89 prelude..

to save yourself a hassle and headache.. MAKE SURE you leave an emerg way in.. i never did but what i DID do was make a secret lever for the hood.. so if the battery did die.. i could chagre it and THEEN get it..

looked nice worked great and lasted years.

kits arent that exspensive i dont think (cant remember) and its not that hard to install
they do look good on newer stuff but on a older car like your thinking about i think it would leave the sides looking huge with nothing to break it up
I'm doing it on my swinger. I've already shaved the handles off, and with primer it looks great!
havent bought the kit yet, I want to do more research into extras like alarm, etc....