She go to Wal Mart

Originally Posted by lugnut1962
I'm a liberal....and damn.....never shop at that part of the reason?

no, you hate capitalism.

No I don't hate capitalism.......I don't have a lot of respect though for capitalist. Make there wal-mart crap in china for .22 cents an hour then wonder why unemployed Americans arn't shopping? But that's just me............Hope your net worth is not on the down slide. But if you are middle class? It proably is.....
no, you hate capitalism.

No your wrong there. I don't hate capitalism, but I dont have alot of respect for alot of capitalist. They import all there cheap wal-mart crap made in china for .22 cents per hour and then wonder why unemployed Americans arn't shopping. I try to buy American any and every time I can. Even if I have to pay more. Who knows, maybe some day my habits will help your family. I hope so.
I tried to put off checking it out, but had to. The booty bounce is hypnotizing....I can order the DVD??
How in the hell do they walk and do that?? Christ if I did that I'd be doin the god-damned wish bone on the floor!!
After seeing the first few responses, its amazing how many idiots still clicked on the link to watch the video. I'm glad I wasn't the only one.
Didn't bother, you see I live in that video....sad and gross:pukeleft:
