She's Alive!! Kinda



May 4, 2016
Reaction score
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Thanks to everyone who commented on my other post asking whether or not everything was hooked up properly. Last night I went ahead and changed my spark plugs, condenser, and points. Unfortunately, the points were not correct so we just cleaned the old ones up a bit and put them back on. After many shots of starter fluid into the carb the engine started to wake up so we added some fuel to the tank and kept on crankin'. The old girl wanted to start but never would fire like we wanted so we started adding fuel directly to the carb and boom, she started. That is until the fuel in the carb burned off. We never could get the fuel in the tank to the carb so my neighbor, being much more versed in the ways of the engine decided to bypass the Dart's fuel pump and used his electric pump and a gas can to get fuel to the carb and she started right up. A little loud and clanky at first but she quieted down a bit after she got going. Not a purr by any means, however. I am now leaking, maybe the better term is blowing, oil out from under the breather cap, no idea why. So I am back to ask all you Slant 6 lovers with much more knowledge than I why this might be happening. Thanks in advance.
Change the pcv valve,that might help alleviate some of that crank case pressure.Blow by is usually because pressure is leaking past the valves/seats and or rings..