Signature pic



Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2011
Reaction score
State of Jefferson
Noticed it was gone..a website upgrade no doubt. I have some pics on Imgur I can use...but I don't get the size part of it right. Even though I specify a thumbnail size, the link I use to Imgur does not CHANGE size on the forum. I've tried a couple of different types (don't even know what they are...[media], [website] ) and such.

There is no reason to have a large pic as part of a signature, seems to me.

Pointers please, on how to resolve the issue?

you cant control the size easily when you hotlink - you need to resize it and upload it directly
I don't see that option (uploading directly) in the 'edit' portion of the signature section. I took that to mean that the website was no longer hosting pics.
That may be due to my forum privilege level? Something reserved for Gold Members or somesuch?

I can upload pics in threads. How that does work in editing portion of the signature?
You will have to edit your pic in different software, like the Paint program on your computer, and then reload it to the forum like you did the first time
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If you have Paint, you can resize your pictures easily, or there’s plenty of free apps out there that you can use to resize them.