


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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I have been taking simvastin to lower my cholesterol. I have lost 50 pounds or so since the start of the year and have discussed with my doc the possibility of reducing/stopping my high blood pressure med as well as the simvastin. While we were talking about the simvastin he made mention of and suggested that I stop taking the simvastin for a few months. While I was taking this med I noticed a drastic increase in muscle/joint pain. Most days to the point that doing most of anything bought on extreme pain. I have been off of it now for a few weeks and the amount of discomfort I am in is drastically reduced, at least as far as the muscle/joint pain. So if any of you folks are taking this med I would suggest you go and talk to your doc about the possibility of switching to something else.....
My doc just cut my dose in half to see how I do. At this point I'm not sure if it's age or the meds. (No, I'm not THAT old, just picking up the tab for some of my younger stupidity).
I am 32 and my doc wouldnt put me on cholesterlol meds or he put me on a red rice yeast pills over the counter if you still lookin for a over the counter
My doctor started me on Lipitor but when my insurance wouldn't pay for it any more he switched me to Simvastatin. I have been on it for a number if years with no side effects but I take a much lower dose than what was in the linked article.

I keep saying I am going to get my weight back down under 200 but I have been stuck at 215 for a couple of years. A guy I work with has lost 80 lbs over the past 6 months and he is now completely off his diabetes and blood pressure meds and has reduced his cholesterol meds by 1/2. I am trying to use him as inspiration to lose 20lbs.
im on zocor tricor and niaspam.... not for my cholesterol but for my triglycerides...

if you have netflix check out the movie fathead its an interesting approach to saturated fats vs trans fats and kinda debunking the supersize me movie.