Skin cancer....again....



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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Seen the dermo for my yearly inspection.....had another small skin cancer spot on my face frozen....:banghead:
i go twice a year, the dermo lady freezes spots on face and arms. she said its getting better. she calls them "pre cancer" spots.
1 year ago she prescribed a " chemo cream".
Seen the dermo for my yearly inspection.....had another small skin cancer spot on my face frozen....:banghead:

Skin doctors do that to me too.
I get checked out every 6 months, but need to phone in for an appointment, for them to check out a spot on the back of my neck, at the hair line.
My dad goes through this every couple of years, too. Usually on his nose or his cheeks. Years of working outside on a farm when he was a kid, and then on the deck of his ship in the Caribbean and South Atlantic in the Navy.

Glad to hear they got it early. Hope it's the last one.
shin cancer is nothing to NOT watch for. for us guys that have spent a lifetime outdoors, dermatologists are on the "must" see list. using a good sun screen, trying to NOT be out in the hottest part of the day if possible. I use a large bandana to help cover my neck when working out there for hours.
shin cancer is nothing to NOT watch for. for us guys that have spent a lifetime outdoors, dermatologists are on the "must" see list. using a good sun screen, trying to NOT be out in the hottest part of the day if possible. I use a large bandana to help cover my neck when working out there for hours.
Only time I will go outside, in the summer months, without a brimmed hat on is early in the day. I alost always forgot to put sunscreen on when going for a motorcycle ride, should just wrap my face with a bandanna.
When I was young I used to get those blistering types of sun burn. Was bad enough that one doc told my motherthat I was allergic to the sun.
Skin cancer is indeed not a joke. My house of a sister was a sun worshipper. Last I seen her, in 2002, she looked like she had leather for skin....:wack:
i go twice a year, the dermo lady freezes spots on face and arms. she said its getting better. she calls them "pre cancer" spots.
1 year ago she prescribed a " chemo cream".

Same here. I've had 4 cut out, several burned off with liquid nitro, and done the efenol 5% chemo cream. All have been "pre cancerous" so far.
Good move on keeping these places looked at, take care and keep up the good work on damage control Doug, keep that sunscreen on as you enjoy the outdoors sir :glasses7: