smallblock 727

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this vid was takin last month and this is the 727 going down the track behind my 360 but i didnt get all the way up against the converter, i was having carb problems....burnout started in second gear..

[ame=""]YouTube - Earls demon at the track[/ame]
What kind of converter is it? and would you be willing to sell it separately?
to be honest im not sure what converter it came with the trans when i bought it, and im trying to sell together for now but i will let you know if i part out
im in stockton as well. I need that tranny. What are you willing to trade for?
im in stockton as well. I need that tranny. What are you willing to trade for? I have some parts laying around but not a 4 speed.
i dont have any big block stuff. I try to pm you but iw keep having problems. Doing this from my phone. Would you pm me your number. I really need that tranny. Thanks Aj.
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