So Sad Summer's Over!

I can't believe that it's over already!!! Where did the time go??? It seems that every summer is shorter and shorter than the past ones. Anyone have the same feelings?

At least my wife and I are going on a cruise to Canada next week. She'll get her biopsy taken tomorrow and get the results when we return from the cruise. At least the cruise will take our minds off of the biopsy.

I think we hosted four parties this summer and loved every one of them. Maybe next summer we'll try to host a FABO party if anyone is interested in NJ and eastern PA. Any thoughts???

You must be young and thin. I am 55 and 280 lbs. I hate summer. Early spring and late fall is when I get the most done. Winter is OK as long as there is no snow.
I will be 57 in December, and I weigh 180. I dropped from 201 to 168 using Atkins two and a half years ago, but I have been hovering around 180 for the last year and a half (this must be my natural weight zone). I can't stand hi heat and humidity, but if I can cool off in the pool, then I do alright. I like winters (I lived in Alaska for three years when I was a kid), but summers are more fun.
I'm not! Not in the least! Fall brings cooler weather here in the deep south, and allows for easier working conditions outside.

As an former Jerseyite now a Georgian the fall winter and early spring months are VERY welcome.

I lived in Georgia for two years (1979 and 1980 at Moody AFB) and loved their winters. But the high humidity summers and fire ants killed the warmer months for me there. I think having summer and winter homes is the way to go if you can swing the costs.