so you thought you lived in a nice neighborhood



Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2008
Reaction score
yorktown va
well ive lived in my new house for two years now all the people around me are nice and freindly well last night three masked men barged in a house about 8 houses down and shot the owner witch later died and pistol whiped another person until there pit bull attack and fled on foot and the cops never caught em wtf? lol well my guns are on my hip from now on cops are min's away when seconds count
I keep guns handy when in the house and vehicle. Problem is now the cops seem to think they can serve warrants without knocking at all hours of the night. Just ask that Marine who was gunned down during a SWAT warrant serving and left to bleed to death while the ambulance waited outside for over an hour.
I think it is safer for criminals to home invade nice homes in nice neighborhoods.

The victims are usually less expecting of such a thing and therefor less prepared.

and generally there is more to take.

They had better not make that mistake at my house.
same goes here trapster the news just relased that he had drugs and a large amount of cash must of been someone he knew didnt know they had that going on seemed like nice people makes you think twice
That sucks & only about 45 minutes up the road from me. Just never know about anyone anymore. Like trapster said "let them make a mistake at my house". We even have the backyard armed.


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well ive lived in my new house for two years now all the people around me are nice and freindly well last night three masked men barged in a house about 8 houses down and shot the owner witch later died and pistol whiped another person until there pit bull attack and fled on foot and the cops never caught em wtf? lol well my guns are on my hip from now on cops are min's away when seconds count

You just never know anymore, thats for sure!
My wife and I have lived in our house since 1986.
Never any trouble like that until last weekend.

A 50's something lady was attacked in her home one street over from us.
It happened early in the am.
A young man came into her house as she was taking a shower.
She fought him with the shower rod but he had a knife and overpowered her and took her into the bedroom to rape her.
She told him she had money that she would get for him.
BIG mistake on his part!
She reached into her dresser and pulled out a gun and shot him multiple times!
He ran out of the house and fell in the yard and died soon after.
The police have said she will NOT be charged with anything as she was defending herself.
She saved the public a lot of expense for a trial and incarceration of the perp!


Talk abt bringing a knife to a GUNFIGHT!

Saw a sign like this and decided to make my own which is now in the front window of my home...


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I would think that your neighbor was doing something with a lot of $$$,
Growing something? a lot of this going on in Cali now that it is legal?
More than likely thug's won't target your house unless they know what there looking for. I lock my doors all the time and even when I'm home you never know who's going to walk up to the door there are some real syco's out there.
Hope it all works out for you . Take care :glasses5: