SoCal Dodge dealership backs out of ebay deal

i bought my truck at that dealership
its been around a long time and is family owned i bet they end up selling it to him at that price just to get out of the legal bs
i was there the other day and saw that exact challenger on the lot there too
if it was the other way around, and the guy didn't want to pay people would think totally differantly
That sounds like my situation. I ordered a 2008 Challenger from Cerritos Dodge in Los Angeles for sticker price. Put a deposit down and signed paperwork. When it comes in they tell me they are going to mark it up 20k. I tell them tough ship they signed a contract and they legally have to sell me a Challenger for the agreed price. They said pound sand and they would be gracious enough to let me have my deposit back! A-holes, I had bought many a cars and trucks from them and I told them after I get through sueing them they will never get my business ever again and I would let everyone know about this deal. The general manager told me that my business loss was of no consequence to them, they had plenty of customers and that my business didnt matter. I consulted a lawyer and he told me that they had conveniently left out the VIN since the car wasnt assigned one yet. Without that I am up the creek. I am so mad at the dealer network that I will never set foot in a Dodge product again. Dodge wonders why they went bankrupt! I know why!
Hell yea I hope the guy gets it...If he doesn't that would suck. That dealership sucks balls.
That was stupid to put that car on ebay with no reserve.I think that is all the car is worth anyway even less.I Hope the dealership gets sued. Mark
Hey turbodart68, that is crazy!
What do they make you sign in the first place?
It just seems really odd that these places can back out of deals with no consequences. I don't doubt that you did nothing wrong, I am just trying to understand what is going on with these new car deals that gives the dealership the 'option' to back out of any deal.
This is just wrong on many levels.
That sounds like my situation. I ordered a 2008 Challenger from Cerritos Dodge in Los Angeles for sticker price. Put a deposit down and signed paperwork. When it comes in they tell me they are going to mark it up 20k. I tell them tough ship they signed a contract and they legally have to sell me a Challenger for the agreed price. They said pound sand and they would be gracious enough to let me have my deposit back! A-holes, I had bought many a cars and trucks from them and I told them after I get through sueing them they will never get my business ever again and I would let everyone know about this deal. The general manager told me that my business loss was of no consequence to them, they had plenty of customers and that my business didnt matter. I consulted a lawyer and he told me that they had conveniently left out the VIN since the car wasnt assigned one yet. Without that I am up the creek. I am so mad at the dealer network that I will never set foot in a Dodge product again. Dodge wonders why they went bankrupt! I know why!

That's probably about the time I'd punch him in the face and/or start keying a few cars on the showroom......and see if THAT'S a consequence to them.
I recall back in 1996 I sold cars for a year at a new/used car dealership and I was trained that you always want to sign the paperwork on dealership property because it becomes binding. If you make a mistake on the paperwork, or follow-up on a customer and make a sale over the phone and the person/company wants you to bring the contract to their house or business they have three days to rescind from the deal after they sign. I forget the explanation behind this way of doing business but I remember it was due to business laws. Maybe that's what the seller is "hanging his hat on". They may interpret the internet sale as non-binding because it was not done on thier property and they feel they have the right to rescind. Hopefully, I 'm just totally 'frigging wrong' and the fumes from my '66 clouded my memory.

Hopefully he gets this sweet looking ride!

But actually, forgetting to put a reserve on an auction is the type of mistake that I think would be hard to's almost like forgetting to put one "0" in the price in a newspaper......although.......since the auction went up to $ could always argue that that is more than the dealer paid for it, and they'd still be making some kind of profit, so maybe you COULD win......

I'd still flip out if the general manager showed a smug attitude tho'......
Hey turbodart68, that is crazy!
What do they make you sign in the first place?
It just seems really odd that these places can back out of deals with no consequences. I don't doubt that you did nothing wrong, I am just trying to understand what is going on with these new car deals that gives the dealership the 'option' to back out of any deal.
This is just wrong on many levels.

Its a terrible way to treat a customer. It seems like they are trying to get rich on every car they sell. They had me sign an official order form. The box where the VIN goes is blank and they are supposed to have me sign a new one once they have a VIN. Thats where I went wrong. Remember it needs a VIN to be a legal document.
But actually, forgetting to put a reserve on an auction is the type of mistake that I think would be hard to's almost like forgetting to put one "0" in the price in a newspaper......although.......since the auction went up to $ could always argue that that is more than the dealer paid for it, and they'd still be making some kind of profit, so maybe you COULD win......

I'd still flip out if the general manager showed a smug attitude tho'......

The good news is that the ebay auction serves as a legal document and you can go to court to get your car. If not you have grounds for a law suit and the dealer is responsible for your legal fees if they loose. DISCLAIMER I am not a lawyer and my advise is just my opinion. You should consult a lawyer to see if this statement is true.
Done deal the car is SOLD SOLD SOLD to the highest bidder.

Enjoy your new car that's about 15K cheaper that the people that had to have the first one!

Good purchase.....bad marketing idea.:angry7:
I read a ton of the posts there and can't take it anymore. I hope the guy gets the car though. Someone let me know if it happens or not. Also someone needs to sign up for the site and let them know that it was posted on For A Bodies Only as well, last I looked there were over 225 sites listed and I didn't see our great site as one of them, I think it is a shame because we are the best here!!!
A couple of years ago there was a court case where a seller listed a high priced airplane on ebay without a reserve and it sold for a really low price. The seller refused to part with the plane and the buyer took him to court. The judge ruled the contract was binding and the plane had to be conveyed to the buyer. I am pretty sure it was in federal court because of the interstate commerce clause. I suspect a Google search could turn up the case quite easily.