Soda blasting trim



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Oct 27, 2010
Reaction score
Was at a cook out over the weekend at my uncle's house, and he showed me a farm tractor that was my grandpa's that he was restoring.
He asked me if I could do anything with the aluminum trim that goes one the hood.
I said that I would would try......

I have never used Baking soda before to blast anything before.
I had a hand held $20 tractor supply sand blaster and bought a half dozen cheap 1lb boxes of soda at the local grocery store .57 cents each.

5 minutes and 2 boxes of soda later the trim looked like this.
I have blasted alot of stuff in the past, but I was actually impressed on how good the part came out.
The piece of trim in the pic was a comparison of before and after.

Lessons learned, the hand held blaster only holds 2lbs of soda, wear a dust mask, a couple of days later the soda turns the yard yellow, and be prepared to take a shower after blasting because I looked like Casper the friendly ghost.

Just passing along a useful information I found out.

Looks good, nice thing about soda is its so light and not abrasive that it almost polishes it out.

Would look good on a car especially if you wanted sort of a matte or satin look to your trim