Some pics from Power Big Meet (Sweden)

You guys have some real beauties over there. I couldn't read the post but i do understand the universal language of cars. Very nice stuff you guys have over there. Oh those rag tops....
Small Block
Thanks guys
This show is a party that is going on for three days.
The Friday night cruise is amazing.
i was there but got stuck with some friends drinking beer at the campingplace just walked in to have a look at the cruise on friday and saturday then back to the friends:) cruising was alot better than the years before that whas alitle overfilled with beat to death beerbuckets and vans :)
not trying to highjack the thread just found a pic on my cellphone from västerås

a very nice coronet

when Obama shuts us down over here with his green nonsense maybe me and my car might migrate there. After all you do speak Mopar.