Something smells fishy



Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2005
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rio rancho, nm
It's me!! I didn't quite think this all the way through. Humidity levels here in New Mexico run about 5 to 10 % and dry out your skin quickly. I have been asking the wifey to get some unscented baby oil to help out. Well, I got to the point that I couldn't wait and decided I could throw about 10-15 omega-3 oil gel caps in the bath and soak awhile. I just never thought twice that I would end up smelling like a trout......LOL. My cat loves me at the moment.
and I thought you were talking about my ex-wife....#-o
Ohhhh this is gonna be a fun thread!!! LMAO

As a female, I may later regret participating in a "something smells fishy" thread, but since I'm a Virgo too I'm always compelled to help out if I can.

I get dry as a snake this time of the year too. When you get out of the shower rub yourself down with plain old virgin olive oil you get at the supermarket or dollar store. Rub it in like you would lotion. Not only will it make your skin soft and get rid of the itchy dryness, you won't "smell all foo foo girly" (as Billy calls it) or attract the attention of the neighborhood cats. It also works great on wrinkles, stretch marks and old scars even to the point of making them less noticeable / removing them altogether if you use it enough.

Good luck with the New Mexican lack o'humidity! And thanks for the laugh TroutBoy. :-D
Glad I don't have stretch marks ....lmao.... and all this time I was using 5W-30 in a synthetic blend. Thanks for setting me striaght. two and after 2 showers I still smell like a fricken fish. ](*,)It must be in my pores. My wife is having alot of fun with this too. Thanks for the tips Cuda. Troutboy???? what is that? :sign10:=P~
It's the heat we use in the winter that dries the air out in the house here on the hill 8)
I have a humidity gage and when it gets below 40% I put a pot of water on to simmer though the day and it keeps the nose and skin happy.
Remember a hot shower will dry your skin and if you want it out of your pours take a cool shower so your pours will stay open to get cleaned out

Yep I was taught old school :-D
below 40% humidity? We are lucky if it gets that high more than 10 times a year. I'll try the cold shower tonight. Seems I pissed the wifey off today so I deserve it.
Talkin about rubbing lotion in the skin...we have a water softener and when you get in the shower and lather up you have to rub and rub and rub to get what feels like slime off of your skin. The only time someone needs to rub that much is only if something sexual is taking place. You step out feeling like a grease ball....not smelling like a trout.
Small Block
So 63dartman, do you say you smell like a couple of cods? Sorry, I should have kept that to myself! Something about Leanna slathered in extra virgin olive oil...nevermind, I was dumb once!