Sometimes It Makes You Stop And Think



Dart Member
Feb 28, 2010
Reaction score
Bay Area CA
Over the holidays I had a lot of time to think about what is really important in my life and not by choice.

Last week I had some sharp pains in my abdomen like when you run to much an get runners cramp in your side. I ended up in the hospital for 3 days last week and was let go on Christmas day. What happened was as the doctors told me "we don't know why you are retaining fluid in your abdominal cavity but you are". All the blood work came back negative and the same with all the other tests. All my vitals are normal with no fever or any other problems........they stuck a drainage tub in my side and sent me home.

This is the second such occurrence that has happened to me over the last few years, in 2007 my Wife and I went to Mexico for Christmas. We found a condo on the beach and we were all set up.I ended up coming down with a sinus infection that made the right side of my face swell so much that Racquel had to drive me back to San Diego. It was nighttime with me half in and half out of pain and she got lost in TJ and she couldn't find the border, she stop some police officers and got directions to get back to the border. Went to the hospital and was released on Christmas day (is there a message???)

What got me to thinking is no matter how much you try to prepare for what will come, you also have to look at who will come with you. Through all of this my family and my wife's family have been there for me and it's there to remind me that no one man is an island and with the love of one's family anything is possible.

Happy Holidays